How to remove yellow bleach stains

LBleach is a very powerful tool for whitening and disinfecting fabrics, however when it comes into contact with colored clothes or specific materials it can cause unwanted stains. Often, these stains can vary from yellow to pink to red, depending on the type of fabric and the original color of the garment. Fortunately, there are some methods that can help mitigate or eliminate them. Let’s see how to treat various types of fabrics and colors.

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Yellow bleach stains are common on white fabrics. To treat them, you need to soak the stained area in a solution of white vinegar and water. And then wash the garment as usual.

Remove bleach stains from colored fabrics

When bleach gets on colored fabrics, it can discolor them. Once the color has been removed from the fabric, it is virtually impossible to restore it to its original state. However, they are there some tricks that can help disguise the damage.

If the stain covers a significant area, it is worth considering Dye the entire garment in a darker color to cover it. However, if the stain is not too large, you can purchase special fabric pens and markers that can be used for “touch up” small areas. It is important to have a shade similar to that of the damaged item and delicately color the discolored area. In these cases it is always better to give it a try in a hidden point of the garment to evaluate the effects of the color on the fabric.

How to treat old bleach stains

Old bleach stains are particularly stubborn. The key is to treat them as soon as possible, but when we find ourselves dealing with a stain that has already been dry for some time we can try applying a solution of white vinegar and water (half and half) to treat the affected area. Let it act for 10 minutes and then rinse. Vinegar can help neutralize the alkalinity of bleach.

Remove bleach stains from black and jeans

Clearly the darker the garment, the more the light stain will stand out. Black is in fact a color that particularly shows bleach stains, which can appear as reddish or pink. For jeans and black fabrics we therefore consider the possibility of color the entire area or garment with a black or dark blue fabric marker. If the stain is small, you can also try cover it with a small embroidery or patch.

How to remove red and pink bleach stains on white and white fabrics

Pink or red stains are often the result of bleach reacting with colored or white fabric. To remove them you can try immersing the garment in a solution of baking soda and water. Leave to act for at least an hour before rinsing. Then wash the garment with a mild detergent.

Bleach stains on wool

Wool is particularly delicate, and bleach can seriously damage it. In an effort to recover our leader, we must rinse the area immediately with cold water.

Then immerse the stained area in one solution of white vinegar and water to neutralize the bleach. And then wash gently with a specific detergent for wool.

In general, since bleach is effective for cleaning and disinfection, it must be handled with care because it can become an enemy of clothes. Since prevention is always the best solution, let’s always be careful when using bleach and keep it away from colored fabrics. If accidents occur, acting quickly is key to minimizing damage.

