how to recognize the symptoms – iO Donna

TOutism or Asperger’s syndrome? Since 2013, according to DSM 5the fifth edition of Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders, we no longer talk about Asperger’s Syndrome, despite the fact that February 18 continues to be celebrated as World Day every year. But What are the signs parents should pay attention to?? We asked one of the leading experts in Italy.

Autism and cartoons:

Autism and Asperger syndrome

«Asperger’s syndrome falls on the autism spectrumwith whom he shares the difficulties, or rather the communicative and social peculiarities; not so much the isolation, but the difficulty intuitively understanding the implicit rules of social interactions. This means that if you normally tend to spontaneously modulate social strategiesfor example to relate differently to a colleague or a child, an autistic person must learn these rules as if they were a second language”, explains the Professor Giovanni ValeriChild Neuropsychiatrist, Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Medical Director at theIRCSS Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital (OPBG) of Rome and Professor at theLa Sapienza University And Tor Vergata From Rome.

Autism: prevalence in Italy

“In the world one person in 100 she is autistic, in Italy one in 77. This means that in every school, for every 3 classes with 25 children, there is one autistic child. When we talk about autism we must always specify the severity, both socio-communicative difficulties and repetitive behaviors, beyond the cognitive level (possible associated intellectual disability) and the language level. Some autistic people are completely non-verbalothers use single words onlyothers only phrases or there are those who have a fluent language. We can say that Asperger’s is an autism spectrum disorder with no cognitive or language impairment» continues the expert.

The possible causes

«When we talk about the causes of Asperger’s, as well as autism, there are two opposing narratives: “we don’t know anything yet” or, on the contrary, “we know everything”. The truth lies in the middle: we know several things that help us orient ourselves. On the autism spectrum both genetic factors weigh (for 60-70%) and environmental factors. Studies on monozygotic twins have highlighted that even those who share the same DNA are not as likely to be autistic due to environmental factors. At the same time, environmental factors act only if there is genetic susceptibility. It should be underlined that the environment must be evaluated not from birth but from the person’s conception, i.e. when the sperm meets the egg. An important factor is indeed the age of the parents at conception. Contrary to what is believed, Paternal age matters moresince with age the possibility of genetic alterations of spermatozoa increases”, points out Professor Valeri.

Autism: what can happen during pregnancy

«Another of the possible causes is the the interval between two pregnancies: if it is less than 12 months, folic acid reservesfundamental for brain development, they may not have recovered yet. THE first 3 months of pregnancyFurthermore, they are fundamental for the organization of the brain. During this period, any viral infections or the use of some drugs, such as valproic acid, can affect the unborn child. Also everything that happens during childbirth may increase the risk of autism. In premature babiesfor example, the prevalence of autism rises to 7%», underlines the expert.

No child is born autistic

«What is important to underline is that no child is “born” autisticbut was born with greater or lesser predisposition to autismwith a probability that however it can be reduced by acting on the prenatal, perinatal and postnatal environmentfor example with early interventions of parent-mediated therapies. Autism is an “emerging” condition, which is “built” in the early stages of development; also for this reason before 12 – 14 months we have no “certain” signs of risk”, specifies Professor Valeri.

Asperger Pride

“In the last few years Asperger’s syndrome has become somewhat of a “fashion”. We have chosen to present only the “sunny side”, bizarre, eccentric, often brilliant and with mild impairment, like the protagonist of the series The Good Doctor. They were even born “Asperger Pride” groupswith the acceptable attempt to destigmatize these people. But Asperger’s can also have a “dark side“in which psychological and relational suffering can be important”, continues the expert.

A happy life

«We must not fall into therapeutic pessimism, nor slip into the reductive naivety of “Asperger Pride”. We must be ready to help them in moments of transition and evolutionary crises accompany them to be autonomous adults, without ever labeling them as sick, but aware that for them the road is often “uphill”. Navigating the complex sea of ​​social life often requires considerable effort. But let’s remember that they have every opportunity to work, have an intimate relationship and have children. The good news is that today we know that, with a more inclusive society and with specific supports in critical phases, it is possible for them to live a happy life», concludes Professor Valeri.

