how to re-enchant the customer experience?

Both online and at physical points of sale, consumers expect a memorable experience, tailored to their needs and desires. 77% of French people even attach as much importance to the experience as to the product itself.

It is therefore a decisive factor in facing up to competition and gaining a place with the retail giants.

In the same category

a person with a yellow sweater in front of a laptop

Contextual targeting reconciles consumers with advertising

Thursday, June 9, 2022, PayPlug, omnichannel payment solution and Sendinblue, French platform for digital marketing and customer relations, organize an online event aimed at SMEs. Around five round tables, sixteen tech players will discuss the challenges and perspectives of the customer experience for the next three years.


Understanding the major challenges of the customer experience in 2022

For SMEs, designing a unique and seamless customer experience is a real challenge, especially in an environment as competitive as retail. With a growing number of advertisers on paid channels, acquiring and converting customers is no small feat. You have to succeed in finding new levers to activate.

At the same time, merchants must do everything possible to impress consumers. This necessarily involves personalized offers, actions and content. The challenge is to offer a tailor-made and fluid experience throughout their buying journey by taking advantage of their data. During this conference, tech experts will come back to the phenomenon of personalization through data. You’ll find it’s more than just a trend. It is now a crucial element in finding and retaining customers.

The same goes for omnichannel. E-commerce site, store, marketplace, social networks: being present where your customers are is essential to capture as many opportunities as possible and expand your sales funnel. During this event, Aurélien, Head of Marketing at Partoo, Kevin, Country Manager at Sylius and Flora, Marketing Director at PayPlug will decipher the omnichannel trend and explain how to adopt this model.


Adapt to new trends

These conferences are a unique opportunity to understand how to adapt to these new dynamics and changing consumer expectations. During each round table, digital experts will bring you solutions adapted to your business so that you can create a customer experience that converts. They will explain how to personalize it using the latest technologies available and how to set up an effective acquisition strategy.

You will also get their advice on how to successfully build a lasting relationship with your customers. You will be able to rely on the many examples of brands having succeeded in combining personalization of the exchange and reactivity.

Here are the five round tables that will take place on Thursday, June 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.:

  • Acquire and convert customers;
  • Personalize the customer experience to retain visitors;
  • Offer omnichannel buying journeys;
  • Build a lasting relationship with its customers;
  • Control your image online.

Whether you are a small or medium business, this event organized by PayPlug and Sendinblue is an opportunity to better understand current customer experience trends and learn how to adapt to them. For advice from these sixteen tech professionals, don’t forget to register for free.

