How to overcome the downturn that occurs with the arrival of autumn?

10/27/2023 at 10:49


Autumn asthenia increases the severity of previously existing anxiety-depressive symptoms and produces an increase in psychological consultations in this season.

During the fall, it is quite common to feel more tired than usual, sad and even irritated. It is what is known as autumn astheniawhich is why sales of vitamins, Royal jelly either ginseng.

Although it is nothing serious, since it is not considered a disease, it is true that during the first days it can alter our routine and quality of life.

Although, as explained to ‘Health Guides’ he psychologist Jorge Lareo Oteroof the Cláritas Psychological Institute“increases the severity of previously existing anxiety-depressive symptoms.”

  • “Therefore, we can say that autumn asthenia does produce a increase in psychological consultations in autumn”.

The specialist answers the main questions about why autumn is depressing and what we can do to make the effects last as short as possible.

Autumn asthenia: symptoms and impact on our daily lives

The symptoms are mainly generated by an alteration in sleep hygiene. The symptoms it generates are:

  • Physical: Muscle fatigue, difficulty falling asleep, weakness.
  • Emotional: Apathy, lack of motivation/disinterest, sadness, irritability.
  • Cognitive: Difficulties concentrating, thoughts anxious-depressive.

Autumn asthenia impacts the three main areas of a person’s life: family, social and academic, work.

| Pexels

Like any problem mental health, impacts the three main areas of a person’s life: family, social and academic/work. All of these symptoms mentioned can cause significant deterioration in these three environments:

  • Work/educational environment: performance problems, delays, absences, conflicts with colleagues, isolation, emotional distress related to work or school.
  • Family environment: low communication, isolation, conflicts, abandonment of family responsibilities.
  • Social environment: isolation, conflicts, decreased planning and carrying out activities with the group, substance use behaviors.

Can it really be prevented?

The duration of the symptoms caused by autumn asthenia is variable, although the usual thing is that last about one or two weeks. If it lasts more than two weeks, that is when it is necessary to consult a health professional. mental health.

The people most vulnerable to suffering from these symptoms are those who have risk factors that make them worse at coping with the beginning of autumn. The risk factors that influence worse coping with this environmental stressor can be:

  • Age (elderly population).
  • Physical health problems (illnesses, obesityetc.).
  • Previous symptoms (psychological problems associated with other causes).
  • Relational problems (family, sentimental, friendship).
  • Academic and/or work problems (conflicts in class, being unemployed, etc.).

The days get shorter, the sky gets darker, the rain appears…

| Irina Iriser

Yes, it can be prevented. To do this, it is essential to pay attention to our habits. Lifestyle before the beginning of autumn: take care of your diet, maintain contact with our family and social relationships, maintain a work out and have an adequate sleep schedule.

Is it normal to feel sad and depressed during these days?

It is normal. The end of summer, the drop in temperatures, less exposure to sunlight and facing the responsibilities of starting school or work are a few stressors that we have to face at this time of year.

It is natural that the influence of all these environmental stressors can generate alterations in the mood during that time.

Keys to combat autumn asthenia

To deal with autumn asthenia, it is especially important to Sun exposure. Since the symptoms are generated mainly by an alteration of the melatoninexposure to sunlight will be of great help to prevent them.

Vitamin D is also key to overcoming autumn asthenia in a healthy lifestyle

| Pexels

Making plans with friends and outdoor sports activities are going to be very effective activities to reduce the effects of the symptoms.

On the other hand, taking care of lifestyle habits is essential to face the symptoms associated with autumn asthenia. Important habits to carry out:

  • Take care of the feeding.
  • Maintain appropriate schedules for meals and for rest.
  • Planning and organization for academic or work tasks.
  • Social contact: Take care of communication with our friends and family.
  • Carry out physical exercise.
  • Ask friends or family for help when necessary.

However, professional help should be sought when the symptoms derived from autumn asthenia have been present for more than two weeks.

If the person has been suffering from these symptoms for more than two weeks anxious-depressiveit is important that you go to a mental health professional (psychologist and/or psychiatrist) so that they can help you deal with them.
