How to organize a move without going crazy

Bereavement, divorce, marriage and moving. This is how the top 4 most stressful activities in life are composed, consolidated according to various surveys over the years. And although in the first three it is difficult to distance the nerves and stress factor of the experience, when moving the process should not be so traumatic. Or at least, this is what experts recommend from books, networks and web platforms.

The real estate side

One winter morning in 2019, sitting in one of her favorite bars, Caroline Fryd (@carofryd) the light bulb went on: from his years of expertise in the real estate world, thought that there is a huge gap between what people know when deciding to move and what they should know. And that with his knowledge she could bridge that gap. As? Launching the book “To move better” -self-published and available on her Instagram and in Mercado Libre-, as an invitation to navigate this process in the best possible way.

The work presents stories of real clients through which the specialist shares the fundamental concepts of all real estate operations. “I had been telling stories online and I felt that they generated interest, so one day it occurred to me to combine both aspects, the informative and the stories, to illustrate those concepts that I was developing,” she says.

In this sense, “moving well” is making good decisions, which Fryd understands only happens if we are informed and advised. “It is also listening to oneself and going out looking knowing what one wants to find, something that seems simple but is not. A good move is a process that flows, without obstacles, without ups and downs, and without the anguish of always wanting to win all the battles (such as selling high and buying low), but with the focus on finding that dream space where one You will be able to inhabit and feel truly housed in the new stage of life that is opening up”, describes the specialist.

Some keys to being able to carry this out are clearly identifying the course (knowing well what the motivation is after the move), as well as thinking about neighborhoods, typologies and amenities based on the lifestyle of each member of the family. Then, choose how the project will be carried out, deciding whether or not it will be carried out by a real estate agency and which one. “I recommend requesting at least two appraisals and choosing only one, trying for three to five months and if it doesn’t work, changing. Exclusivity is key to having results in the shortest possible time and at the best value,” she suggests. And something vital: it is important to be flexible with visits by interested parties and show the house in its best version, as uncluttered and depersonalized as possible. If the owners are not at home at the time of the visit, all the better: it has been proven that sales results are better.


The organization

Once the purchase or sale is finalized, it is time to get down to work with the organization of the move itself. And that is where another type of emotion and stress comes into play.

On this there are also books that advise. Like “Omm Organizarte” (Grijalbo, reissued with new chapters this month), by Melanie Melhem, recognized for her account @organizarteomm, where she has shared tips and information for years to organize the house and life and live better. In her book, she dedicates an entire chapter to the moment of the move.

“I recommend starting early, if possible. Plan and put together a scheme with days and hours that can be dedicated to packing. Also ask for help and let yourself be helped, either by relatives or professionals ”, he points out. As she explains, in order not to get stressed it is important how we mentalize ourselves and face the move and what it means. Regardless of whether this is a larger or smaller house, it must be understood that it is a moment of change, and for it to be positive, thoughts must accompany trying to leave behind issues of the past and focusing on the present.

One of the fundamental premises for order is to make a large discard prior to moving. It does not make any sense to carry things from one house to another that we will continue to use and that we have not used for years. “Moving we are taking a big step in our lives, and it is a good opportunity to evaluate what we want to continue accompanying us and what not,” says the expert, who also suggests keeping in mind that certain elements may be useful to others.


What is a good move for her? The one that does not generate negative impact on our lives. In that spirit, she maintains that it is the best opportunity to let go and move lighter, not only literally but also in terms of the symbolic weight that objects and furniture can exert. “The things we have are not condemned to accompany us forever. Our tastes and uses change. We can use this opportunity to change with them,” she advises. Because as the famous phrase that heads the chapter says, “no one knows what they have until they move”.

Other practical recommendations are to visit the new house a week before to evaluate where it would be best to store each thing, pack a suitcase with the essentials for the first days that can be used without the immediate need to unpack, check the status of the new house’s services home and pack by environment or category (you can even put colored stickers identifying each one).

life in a truck

Finally, those who are absolute experts on the subject are the moving companies. From Verga Hnos, one of the most recognized in the country, they recommend requesting budgets in writing and carefully studying the different proposals and their scope. “The most important thing is to define yourself by the company that gives you greater security and confidence, that has its own personnel and trucks, with current insurance for this personnel and your content, and that provides you with the correct materials for the care of your belongings, making sure you that your furniture will always be moved protected”, says Jorgelina García, manager of the company. They also suggest using recycled corrugated cardboard boxes, called double triple, to reduce the risk of breakage and because they can be stacked without giving way. Also, inside the box, wrap piece by piece, fill the spaces that remain free with paper and distribute the weights, from heaviest on the bottom to lightest on the top.

From the company they know very well how stressful a move can be. Not only because it implies moving the entire content of a life in a truck, but because it is usually the closing of a long process, including the real estate agency, the notary, the architects in the case of new houses… “It is logical that those who move are exhausted physically, mentally and financially”, reasons García.

In order to reduce this stress, his strategy is to personalize each move. They offer packers who can take care of assembling and disassembling the boxes, sending boxes of three different sizes that do not require a subsequent return so that each one can finish on time (they do offer to pick them up later for recycling), specific elements for packing fragile items and even a sales service for everything that does not move to the new address. “In most cases, they pay for their move with the proceeds of their sale,” illustrates the manager.

They are few days, but they contain the emotional weight of a lifetime. For this reason, and to go through it calmly and smoothly, it is better to be prepared and follow in the footsteps of those who know the most.

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