how to make customers want to share their data?

With repeated scandals in recent years, many companies have lost the trust of their customers on the subject of data protection. This is a major challenge that companies have to face. However, most of them are not prepared for it. In a thirty-page white paper, HubSpot and Didomi give you the keys to making this major change an opportunity. By downloading this e-book, you will discover that respecting user privacy is not incompatible with marketing performance, quite the contrary.


How can businesses adapt?

In 2022, the reality is that data has become an invaluable resource for marketing departments, which have taken to analyzing and personalizing every detail of customer journeys. A few years ago, this data collection was done without regulatory constraints and without being aware that it could harm the privacy of customers. In this white paper, you will discover that the more proprietary the data, the more you will control the customer relationship, and the better the results of your marketing strategies will be.

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The European Union facing the challenges of its space sovereignty

However, times are changing. Over the past few years, Apple, Safari, Mozilla Firefox and more recently Google have announced that their browsers will stop supporting third-party cookies. A major change for marketing professionals, given that more than 85% of online browsing takes place on these platforms… Companies have no choice but to adapt.


Ways to combine growth and respect for privacy

As HubSpot and Didomi explain in this white paper, brands must now focus their efforts on zero and first-party data. In this ebook, you will discover ways to combine business growth with respect for customer privacy. We must therefore bet on zero-party data. Marketers are increasingly talking about it as the precursor to a new form of strategy.

This data has several advantages: it is compliant because it is easy to know exactly how it was collected. They are permanent because you and your client agree to share data transparently. They are reliable because they come directly from the customer who has chosen to share them with your brand. Finally, these data are accurate. As you will have understood, zero-party data can allow you to offer personalized experiences and establish a relationship of trust with your customers. For more valuable tips for developing your data strategy, don’t forget to download this white paper.

