How to maintain a tan: 5 tips to try

OREvery summer, back from vacation, one wonders about what is recommended to do to maintain the tan and the glow effect. This is how the doubts of all time come back. If it is true that golden skin flatters everyone, because it gives radiance and minimizes small imperfections, it is also true that for prolong its effects common sense must be used, clearing the mind of unfounded beliefs. We tell you (and debunk) the most frequent ones.

Tan, how to make it last longer after returning from vacation

How to maintain a tan: yes to hot baths and moisturizing oils

«Melanin goes away naturally only when, within 15-20 days, the stratum corneum is completely renewed» explains the dermatologist Eleonora Bellani. It is therefore on the desquamation process that we need to focus. The hot bath, more than the shower, accelerates the elimination of dead cells, those that spontaneously detach from the skin first.

«But it is wrong to think that the color for this reason fades, indeed remains more uniform and golden, only the darker and duller patina being eliminated». Since exfoliation increases in case of excessive dryness, it is necessary to moisturize thoroughly, using a body wash rich in natural oils, such as sweet almond and shea butter.

Scrub with microgranules, to renew cell turnover

Also in this case, the slightly abrasive action of its microgranules will help remove the pigments produced in excess by the melanocytes (dead cells). But that’s not his only action.

(Credits: Instagram @izabelgoulart)

«With the mechanical movement you have an acceleration of the production of melanin which, by migrating to the surface faster, stimulates pigmentation. As it accelerates cell turnover» resumes the dermatologist.

This is why the treatment, to be done at home or in an institute, is recommended both before going out and at the end of the holiday, when you are already dark. «Repeating it five-six days before departure will renew the stratum corneum which will be more receptive to the rays making the color last longer».

How to maintain a tan: the massage has no whitening effect

We return to the mechanisms already mentioned. «Melanin is a substance dense with pigments produced by melanocytes, cells located in the deep dermis. Stimulated by the rays, it migrates to the surface and settles on the outermost stratum corneum of the skin, creating a sort of protective thickening» continues the expert.

Practically, the substance constitutes a defensive “reaction” to photoexposure which, in fact, has a tan as an answer. Going back to massage, whether it’s home or professional, the principle is always the same: the rubbing of the hands on the body will carry out an exfoliation process which will enhance the color of the skin, making it lively and luminous. As long as you use a very rich oil or cream so that the epidermis remains well hydrated.

Yes to spas and sulphurous waters

The sulfur sources are a heritage of our country and a panacea for the skin. It is true that: «In this case the peeling action exerted is very strong, because the effect of heat combined with water particularly rich in mineral salts and microelements add up. So, for sure, if you immerse yourself for a while, the skin will be lighter but also very detoxified and, again, more receptive to the rays».

And speaking of water, here’s a good one method to limit the flaking of the pool: before diving, spread an oil on your body which creates a protective film against the drying action of chlorine.

Self-tan: to improve the late summer tan

Do you want to boost your tan with a little self-tanner but are you afraid of running the opposite risk, i.e. that the product also carries melanin with it when it goes away? It is not so. Before applying the cosmetic, however, it is advisable to carry out the usual scrub.

Provided it is clear that “the self tan does not stimulate melanin, but contains substances which oxidize darken, coloring the skin. Above all, it does not protect from the sun in any way, which is why it is essential to apply sunscreen on the first exposure» concludes the expert.

