how to lower the levels to lose weight and live well – iO Woman

Andaccess of glucose in the blood: it suffers almost 90% of the population. And most don’t even know it. It manifests itself with pangs of hunger, chronic fatiguemood swings, skin problems, premature aging, infertility. And what is even worse, an increase over time of the risk of inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes. So how do you keep its levels under control?

Glucose: A book explains how to lower it

Jessie Inchauspébiochemist, expert on the effects of nutrition on health and the author of the international bestseller, The glucose revolution “ (Vallardi), forthcoming in 26 countries. With an innovative method built over years of research, he explains because glucose spikes are dangerous and how can we contain them, without giving up the pleasure of food. Sweets and carbohydrates included. The expert ensures that there is no faster and more effective way to lose weight, lower blood pressure and improve health that lower the glucose curve. A few tricks related to nutrition are enough.

Eat in the right order

“We often focus on what to eat and what to avoidand regarding the how? Also the order in which we eat food has a powerful effect on the glucose curve. Two meals with the same composition can have a very different impact on the body depending on how they are consumed. When I read a famous article on the subject, published by Cornell University in 2015, I was stunned: by eating the foods of a meal that contains starch, fiber, sugar, protein and fat in a specific order, it is possible reduce peak glucose by 73% and insulin peak by 48% This applies to everyone, not just diabetes sufferers. But what is the right order? Before the fibersthen the proteins ei fatlast starch and sugars»Explains Doctor Jessie Inchauspé.

The messages of the body

“The body talks to us all the time. It is we who do not know how to listen. Everything we swallow gives rise to a reaction. What we eat affects the 30 billion cells and bacteria inside us. There is plenty of choice: birthmarks, pimples, migraines, mental fog, mood swings, weight gain, sleepinessinfertility, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), type 2 diabetesfatty liver, heart disease. These are all messages that the body sends to report problems, ”explains Dr. Inchauspé.

Children's diet.  The expert speaks:

Children's diet.  The expert speaks:

The conditioning of the environment

“I think the fault lies withenvironment in which we live. Our food choices are influenced by marketing campaigns multimillionaires who aim to make money from companies that produce fizzy drinks, fast food and confectionery. Usually, the justification given is that “what matters is the quantity, processed foods and sugars are not harmful in themselves “. However, science shows that the opposite is true: processed foods and sugar are badregardless of how many we eat », emphasizes the expert.

Food and well-being

“Over the past five years, there have been exciting discoveries in laboratories around the world that have unveiled how the body reacts to food in real time and proved that, if it is true that what we eat is importantit is also how we eatnamely in what order and combination we take food. If we listen to science, in that black box that is our body there is a criterion that conditions all other systems. This is the level of sugar, or glucose, in the blood»Warns Doctor Inchauspé.

Glucose: what it is

“And the the body’s main source of energy. We draw it largely from food and comes transported to cells by the blood. Its concentration can vary enormously throughout the day, and when it occurs sudden increasesthe so-called glucose spikes, everything is affected: mood, sleep, weight, skin health he was born in immune system, fertility and risk of heart disease. Those who do not suffer from diabetes hardly hear about glucose, but that does not mean that it does not concern all of us “, continues the expert.

