How to lose weight naturally with the Ayurvedic diet

dto get fat or not to get fat is the dilemma of most of many, but especially of women over 50. We know that the natural hormonal change due to menopause is the main culprit of extra pounds, yet often even by changing the food style with the help of a nutritionist and increasing physical activity, things don’t change. Not a single ounce is lost.

Ayurvedic medicine could be a valid help. We talked about it with Pamela Golin, Yoga teacher ed Ayurveda expert. On his website, in addition to various online courses, there is a section of yoga exercises, meditation, Ayurvedic advice with videos that are completely free and open to anyone who wants to get closer to this ancient medicine (at this link).

Losing weight after 50: what help does Ayurvedic medicine help?

“There are so many ways a woman can receive Ayurvedic help in menopause. Everything according to this ancient medicine is very subjective, there is no remedy that is valid indiscriminately for everyone», explains Pamela Golin. The Ayurvedic doctor must evaluate case by casedo tests and orObserve the person who addresses him from various points of viewin addition to that of the symptom that brings him at that moment.

«If, for example, you suffer from hot flashes, according to Ayurvedic medicine you could be a “Pitta type”, which corresponds to the Fire element. Or if you suffer from depression, mood swings, anxiety, you probably correspond to an excess of Vata, therefore of Aria», adds the expert. But what does it mean?

What are the doshas and why to lose weight you need to understand them

Foundation of Ayurvedic medicine is the theory that the health consists of a balance between the three fundamental doshas or bodily bio-elements, called Vata, Pitta and Kapha, formed by the five elements that make up the universe, namely fire, air, water, earth and ether.

“From the Sanskrit literally Doshas it means “what contaminates, which influences” a person’s life from birth, from every moment of the day, from one’s history and habits. There is a Ayurvedic DNA species “Prakriti” with which we are born, which is then shaped, integrated and influenced by “Vikriti” (and vice versa). The doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which correspond to three elements: Vata air, Pittta fire, Kapha Water and Earth. These elements oscillate within us, and the seasons influence their expression», explains Pamela Golin.

What does it mean to learn to eat according to your dosha?

“It means feel good in your own skin, eat as your nature is. For example, if you suffer from flushes, fire element, and if you love tomatoes and oranges (acidic elements) you can worsen the symptoms and slow down or even disturb digestion», explains the expert. The remedy is gradual, not abrupt. «For a few weeks (or months, depending on the indication) contrasting foods are removed with your own dosha and yes they replace with other foods more suitable for their type of dosha. Those who, on the other hand, suffer more from depression or anxiety must try to lower the air element, so legumes, cauliflower, broccoli are removed», explains Pamela Golin.

Lose weight in menopause, the tricks to stay fit

What is the Ayurvedic test?

But before deciding which foods to replace, it is important to undergo the Ayurvedic test. “Is critical to understand what exactly is needed for each person, as are the individual characteristics and balances. And how is the balance of his doshas. The test can be carried out in different ways. You can hear the wrist, perceiving the intensity, speed and “strength” of the heartbeat. Or yes watch the language, to establish which is the dosha that prevails. Then questions are asked to identify the type of balance between the doshas». At the end of the interview, the expert completes a file (a kind of medical record) with all the results of the visit and the advice.

The search for balance

Ayurvedic treatments they are essential to balance the patient’s physical and mental, but also emotional, health. The correct food style, the daily routine (Dinacharya) to follow from waking up to falling asleep. All practices that Ayurvedic medicine teaches with great attention to detail. “For example, the Kapfa type is often treated with scrub powders in a very intense way, while Vata is acted on the head with hot oil fountains”, adds the expert.

5 Ayurvedic tips after 50 to lose weight

  • Waking up around the same time
  • Eat at regular times
  • Move regularly at least half an hour a day
  • Do targeted treatments for each dosha
  • Take the right supplements for your dosha – for example for Pitta (hot flushes), red clover is often suggested, which also improves bone metabolism.

