how to live it as a couple – iO Donna

THEDiabetes occurs 365 days a year. Including Valentine’s Day. But Valentine’s Day brings attention back to the coupleseven those that share one of the most common chronic conditionsjust like the diabetes. What are the benefits of one duo management of the disease? We asked the Doctor Maria Chantal PonzianiManager in charge of the Simple Departmental Structure of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases of the ASL of Novara.

Emotional support improves pathology

«In a couple in which the partner has diabetesplays a key role affective component which she has shown herself to be capable of improve the management of this pathology. While on the one hand there is the request for help in managing the disease, on the other there is the response of those who want to be prepared to be able to offer the best emotional and practical support. A very important support provided that does not invade the balance of the couple and that can also be counted on technological solutions to control diabetes in parallel», explains Dr. Ponziani.

Diabetes: The Peer Support Advantage

The partner’s participation in treatment depends on many factors, including the motivation, the weather who can dedicate e the level of involvement that he will want to have. Among the critical points, there is the difficulty in finding the right way to do it, between a overprotection or a excess of distance. «They are undeniable advantages which derive from one open sharing of the disease with partner. I see so many couples teaming up to ask me or offer me some solutions that they can fit into their routine. They demonstrate a mutual support decidedly more equal to the family dynamic than when it is your son or daughter to have diabetes. The balance that is established in the couple allows you to understand the news much better, as in the case of medical devices for diabetes and to live the positive experience with your partner», continues the expert.

Diabetes: the true and the false about chronic disease

Diabetes and adolescent couples

“Unlike the adults, couples of young boys they accept the fact much more serenely tell their problem and ask for wanting to manage it together with the partner. It’s a full sharing, of absolute love, which can also contain a chronic disease like this, discovering the benefits of tackling it together. In short, a sort of: I love you and help you! It is as if a solidarity competition were unleashed to put the boyfriend or girlfriend at ease», underlines Dr. Ponziani.

Attention to the partner with small gestures

«Small gestures, such as giving up sweets or sugary drinks so as not to create mutual differences and suffering. I also find them very serene in dealing with intimacy thanks also to technology, both for theinsulin delivery both for the blood sugar control with device of small non-invasive dimensions, which facilitate the management of these particular moments, improving glycemic control and the acceptance of therapeutic tools», reassures the expert.

How to prevent blood sugar swings

«Technology is confirmed as the most suitable tool for avoid excessive glycemic excursions thanks to the continuous monitoring of the glucose and the possibility of get information in advance on how blood sugar will evolve. Also, thanks to insulin pumps you can better tailor drug delivery by helping to prevent hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. This involves a greater peace of mind also for the partner who can see live from your smartphone blood glucose and insulin pathways. In short, a tension-free management given the absence of punctures and manual measurements and, thinking of the long-awaited Valentine’s Day, and a quiet dinner», concludes Dr. Ponziani.

