How to know if a house consumes more than 400kw/H?

As of September, the Government will apply the new electricity rates, gas and water with cuts in subsidies. In the electricity service, for example, the tariff subsidy will be for a consumption of up to 400kw/h per period. If the user exceeds that quota, he will pay the full or total value for each Kw / h of additional consumption.

Considering this scenario, there is no doubt that consumers not only have to incorporate new habits in the use of energy, but they also have to become controllers of the kilowatts/hour consumed, in the case of electricity, so as not to exceed the established limit.

To this will be added in a very short time the subsidy removal to gas and water, and the consequent increase in this service, which will make consumers even more experts on the consumption of domestic energy.

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Today there are different solutions and tools that help reduce consumption: LED lighting, implement an efficient thermal insulation of walls; also efficient openings, solar water heaters, energy efficient appliances, among others. and there is also online calculators with which you can measure the energy that has been consumed in the month.

The first step in calculating the consumption of an appliance is know your power. Generally, this information will be reflected on the product box. But if there is no box or manual, it is usually listed on the manufacturer’s page. The power of household appliances is measured in watts (Watts) and to be able to calculate the consumption of household appliances it will suffice load the sum in an app of the many that cell phones offer as “Simple Bill”.

Consequently, from now on it should not only be important to know how much you are going to pay for the property when buying or renting, but also check that they are energy efficient (something that already happens in other parts of the world) since if it is not, it will generate extra expenses. Therefore, knowing the level of energy efficiency becomes a priority.

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“It is estimated that in Argentina the consumption of natural gas in living spaces, such as homes, shops, offices, recreation spaces, health, among others, is equivalent to 57% and electricity, to 35%. For this reason, improving the energy efficiency of living spaces can help reduce conditioning consumption inside by more than 50%, which will have an impact not only at an individual level but also at a national level in terms of savings”, marks William Simon Padros, member of the group of institutions that advocate for the energy labeling of homes.

The energy labeling of a property is similar to the labels that are known in the electrical appliances. It is a document that includes the Energy Efficiency Class on a scale that goes from “A” to “G”, which measures the energy (and consumption) used for heating in winter, cooling in summer, water hot for sanitary use and lighting.

That is, it is the so-called Energy Performance Index (IPE) that varies for each home and region of the country. There are seven classes of efficiency, identified by a color and letter code ranging from green with the letter A for the most efficient properties, to red with the letter G for the least efficient, associated with the IPE values. A building or home is more energy efficient than another if, to achieve the same level of comfort, it consumes less energy.

Qualifying properties brings many benefits, among which we can highlight: the reduction of energy consumption and economic savings, since it allows knowing which parameters to modify; an enhancement of the real estate market; greater comfort; living in an A-rated property allows you to reach healthy temperature levels without consuming excess energy; and the environmental care.

“This would generate a reduction of more than half of CO2 emissions, one of the gases responsible for climate change”, adds Simón Padrós, CEO of the Argentina Green Building Council.

by RN

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