how to keep it healthy with expert advice – iO Donna

Rene: to celebrate his world day which occurs on March 9, the screening throughout Italy. In the squares, in the gyms, information in the pharmacy, Nephrology Centers open in many Italian cities and illuminated monuments. An opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of this little known organ but essential to the health of the whole organism.

World Kidney Day: focus on the frail

To focus attention on chronic kidney diseasewhich affect, to a greater or lesser degree, approx 5 million Italiansand the Italian Kidney Foundation (FIR), promoter, together with Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN), of many initiatives, both online and in presence. “Kidney health for everyone” is the claim of the World Kidney Day (WKD) which this year has as its theme the support for vulnerable peopleincluding patients with chronic kidney disease affected by the earthquake in Syria and Turkeywhere increasing cases of people with acute damage to the kidneys due to crush syndromes.

Objective: early diagnosis

«For three years, due to the pandemic COVID-19, there were very few face-to-face initiatives. Finally, in 2023 it was decided to start doing it again, in compliance with the prevention rules. The screening activity will be disseminated even outside the hospitalsas in reception centres Caritasin gyms and even in the squares of many cities, in collaboration with #Italian Red Cross. The goal is to lead to earlier diagnosesby identifying early stage diseases in people who do not yet know they have them. A screening can save a lifenot only of adults but also of gods childrenwhich are not free from these problems. For this, exams and information will also arrive in some schools with a pilot project», explains the FIR President, Doctor Massimo MorosettiDirector of the Department of Nephrology and Dialysis of theGiovan Battista Grassi Hospital in Rome.

Arterial hypertension: what it is and what to do if you find out you have it

Local and online initiatives

The awareness activity will involve even pharmacieswith the distribution of information brochures dedicated to Chronic Kidney Disease. The initiative is also back in attendance “Open Doors in Nephrology”: in many hospitals Italians will be set up stations where to carry out blood pressure measurement and the collection of urine samples. The issue of a will follow in real time report which can be shared with the Doctor of general medicine. March 9th at 18:00 the appointment is live on Facebook with i Presidents FIR and SIN for live “The nephrologist answers”, to learn more about chronic kidney disease. Finally, to draw attention and glances to an often ignored organ, theenlightenment of some among the main ones Italian monuments with the FIR logo and colors.

Kidney: how to keep it healthy

“A Proper nutrition it’s a adequate physical activity can be of great help in maintaining kidney health. The problem with kidney disease is that it is often ignored for a long time and comes diagnosed only when the kidney is already damaged. For this reason, the initiatives proposed this year all converge on the importance on the one hand of prevention and, on the other, of the early diagnosis through screenings. Because the sooner kidney disease is diagnosed, the faster treatment is implemented the better the prognosis» concludes the Doctor Stefano BianchiPresident of the SIN.

