How to integrate eco-design into your digital product?

In recent years, digital has transformed our daily lives and the way we work. Although it opens up many opportunities for companies, it is nonetheless very polluting. A study by GreenIT reveals that digital currently accounts for almost 4% of carbon emissions. For a company concerned about CSR issues, it is necessary to put in place a strategy that will allow it to reduce its environmental impact. Eco-design then plays a key role in the development and implementation of a digital product. On Friday June 24 at 11 a.m., Kaliop, the specialist in digital transformation and innovation, organize a webinar to share with you the levers to activate and the best practices to implement in terms of digital sustainable development.


Understand the challenges of eco-design

Eco-design is a continuous and preventive approach. It consists of integrating environmental and social aspects when designing and developing products, including digital products.

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As the ISO/TR 14062 standard points out, the objective of eco-design is to find a balance between environmental, social, technical and economic requirements in the design and development of products. In the digital context, the challenge is therefore to reduce the environmental impact of a digital product (website, mobile application, e-commerce platform, etc.) so that it is more eco-responsible. During this webinarKaliop’s experts will explain this concept to you in detail.

Digital eco-design has other advantages: it makes it possible to develop only the useful functionalities, and thus to reduce development costs and infrastructure costs. At the same time, the user experience is simplified and the loading time reduced. This helps reduce the bounce rate and convert leads.


This approach also makes it possible to respond to the wishes of users. Increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of digital products, they have high expectations in terms of corporate commitment. Embarking on eco-design is therefore essential to ensure the proper development of one’s activity, face up to the competition and best meet the environmental and societal expectations of consumers. This webconference will be an opportunity to discover all the challenges and advantages of eco-design.

Adopt best practices to limit its digital impact

During this webinar, Emmanuel Valluche, Consulting Director & Eco-design Expert, and Mathieu Duparcq, UX and UI Designer, will present to you how to engage your company in a more responsible digital transformation.
Here are the main themes discussed during this online event:

  • What is eco-design and a responsible digital product? ;
  • How to conceive and design a product that is more respectful of the environment? ;
  • What technological levers to activate to reduce the carbon footprint of its digital applications? ;
  • How do I measure the environmental impact of my digital products, and with what tools? ;
  • What aid is the State putting in place to support companies in their responsible digital transformation?

This webconference organized by Kaliop will allow you to discover the key success factors of an eco-design approach. To know all the steps necessary for a successful implementation, Do not forget to subscribe.

