How to grow nails fast

curate, maybe even colored, long. But how can you make your nails grow faster? There are many remedies, more or less “grandmother’s”, but it is also necessary to specify that their growth depends on many factorssuch as age, any nutritional deficiencies, infections or traumas that the nail itself has suffered.

How much do nails grow in a month?

“Generally, nails grow from a minimum of about 2 mm to 4.5 mm per month. The curious fact that the statistics tell is that growth is fastest in summer, especially during the month of July. It is still not entirely clear why this happens but it is thought that the high temperatures of the month cause vasodilatation which increases the blood flow to the nail matrix, or the one that generates the formation of the nail plate. It also appears that growth is much faster for the nails of the longer index, middle and ring fingers, and slower for the thumb and little finger,” he explains. Rosi Trindade Onicologist and owner of the Brazilian Beauty Center in Milan.

In addition to natural growth, there are also some tricks to put into practice that stimulate its growth: they are in fact of a healthy and above all balanced diet, the right amount of vitamins, are of great help and, possibly, the addition of supplements.

How to grow nails fast: the remedies

1. Take care of your diet

A healthy diet not only helps the whole body but also the growth of the nails. In general, they should be preferred foods rich in vitamin Afor example all vegetables with green leaves, pumpkin and carrots, those with C vitaminsuch as oranges, strawberries and kiwis, and H or biotin found in whole grains, bananas and eggs. «Without forgetting the minerals, equally fundamental. In fact, if you want to “strengthen” your diet, you must introduce potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and selenium, present for example in chicken and salmon. Plus it is It is essential to drink at least two liters of water a day which help not only in the growth of nails but also of hair ».

2. Supplement with supplements

To be used above all if there are problems such as brittle or flaking nails, supplements help compensate for existing vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

In particular, in this case it should focus on biotin, therefore vitamin H, and vitamin B8 which play a fundamental role as they promote cell regeneration of the nail and protect it from external agents.

3. Pay attention to the manicure

In this case, even the manicure is essential: «One trick that can be taken to encourage regrowth is to carefully remove dead cuticles at the root of the nail, which can slow down its progress; however, it is necessary to pay a lot, indeed very much, attention not to overdo the work on the cuticles because instead of improving their growth, you can end up compromising it significantly» explains the expert.

As the expert points out the more nails are treated, the stronger and healthier they grow for this the file should be used delicately, always in the same direction starting from the outside and going towards the center, and above all the manicure should be done in a warm environment: the cold, in fact, stiffens them, causing them to flake more easily.

4. Hydration, essential

Also for the nails, as well as for the skin, hydration is key. With vitamins inside but also oils such as myrrh, Nail serums help keep nails and cuticles soft so as to protect them from external agents and enamels.

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5. Never eat them

How can you make your nails grow if you keep biting them? Is called nail biting and is a compulsive disorder that leads precisely to constantly eating the ends of the fingers, cuticles and cuticles included. How to overcome this habit? By applying a range of products, from serum to patches, with an unpleasant taste which therefore no longer make you want to eat them but rather reinforce and nourish them.

