How to get a dream smile with invisible braces

Invisible orthodontics is the most comfortable, aesthetic and predictable alternative that exists so far in orthodontic treatments. It consists of transparent, flexible and removable plates or aligners, which must be worn 22 hours a day.

Among its many advantages are:

predictability: since the patient will be able to know, before starting the treatment, how his smile will look.

Comfort: As they are removable, you can remove them to eat and you will not have a food restriction.

Absence of emergencies: Unlike the traditional system with brackets, you will not have uncomfortable emergencies due to detachment of brackets or wires that prick.

Esthetic: transparent, practically imperceptible.

The duration of the treatments is usually up to 30% less according to the case, than with conventional orthodontics.

The doctor Karina Biondi, specialist in orthodontics, with more than 25 years of experienceuses the Invisalign ® invisible orthodontic system for being the most reliable, for technology, research and number of successful cases treated worldwide.

In addition, Invisalign ® can be used in all types of orthodontic problems, mild, moderate or complex, as well as in children, adolescents and adults.

More than interesting and current are the characteristics of this system:

First, we perform a scan with the latest generation íTero 5D scanner, with which we obtain a three-dimensional image of the patient’s mouth.

Then a personalized Virtual Treatment Plan is built for each patient taking into account their clinical and radiographic characteristics, until reaching their ideal smile; at that time the aligners are sent to be built.

“Consultations can be more spaced than in conventional orthodontics and the changes are seen in a quick and surprising way,” says the specialist.


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