How to get 100% protection against “omicron”: Gunzburg’s statement

The head of the Gamaleya Research Center, Alexander Gintsburg, said that it is possible to get 100% protection against the Omicron strain coronavirus COVID-19.

Immunity from “omicron” for 3 months will be for those who were revaccinated by Sputnik Light. One hundred percent of people boosted in this way have antibodies against “omicron”.

Among those who were simply vaccinated, but did not undergo revaccination, protected from “omicron” – 75 percent, reports TV channel “Russia 1”.

In addition, Gunzburg said that the Center is already preparing new platforms to protect against further virus mutations. Documents are being submitted for permission to test the relevant drugs.

More news about the pandemic and the fight against it – on the media platform “Looking”.


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