How to face the war to retain Argentine labor talent

It is expected that the rate of employee turnover globally it will increase considerably. This is shown by the research carried out by the consulting firm Gartner, which indicates it will be of a 50% to 75% higher than previously experienced. A situation that becomes more complex when it comes to technology companies, where employers report strong difficulties in attracting and retaining qualified human talent. And the scarcity of digital profiles in Latin America reached 48% in 2021, according to a report by the British firm PageGroup.

For this reason, one of the first strategies to be implemented is to develop a hybrid work, as we want employees to have the flexibility to work from virtual and not feel pressured to come into the office five days a week, for eight hours a day. This creates a balance between activities that can be done remotely and those that involve or require presence in the office.

The kind of hybrid work combines the benefits of work “home office” with the interaction spaces in the offices. Thus, people work more focused on objectives, not only learning to manage their time, but also providing work-generating capacity, taking responsibility for their environment, according to their needs and objectives. This modality definitely helps to maintain the balance between personal and professional life.

Another vital aspect that organizations must work on to stay in an increasingly competitive market, is in the training of its employees. Invest in the development of talent and do so through knowledge management and innovation programs, which apart from the execution of comprehensive development plans, involve participation in the company’s training schools that are part of the corporate unit itself. .

On the other hand, one of the most important strategies is to offer work engagement. In other words, the employee’s feeling of being part of something, generating bonds and identification with the company’s values ​​through a loyalty system that guides the team of which we are a part. In addition, it is related to the support and effort of the organization to foster that sense of belonging that should always characterize us.

In other words, the most important thing is the development of employees to grow in autonomy and capacity. For this reason, the design of a value proposition for employees in terms of labor flexibility, work in a hybrid scheme, competitive salary evaluation and benefits, which involve wellness, health and recreation activities, are essential when choosing to stay in a company. organization.

By Hugo Ocampo, Vice President of Human Resources at Open International.

by Hugo Ocampo*

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