how to create your first campaign?

With 800 million active users and a skyrocketing audience, TikTok represents a real opportunity for businesses. Thanks to its many advertising tools, the platform makes it possible to reach a younger target and develop its visibility. We show you in detail how to design your first social media campaign.

How to create your first TikTok ads campaign?

Do you want to carry out a TikTok advertising campaign as part of your social media marketing strategy? Before that, you have to take a close look at the possibilities offered by the social network.

In the same category

a person with a yellow sweater in front of a laptop

Contextual targeting reconciles consumers with advertising

TikTok Ads: Are They Right for Your Business?

This is one of the first questions to ask before embarking on the creation of an advertising campaign on TikTok. You have to make sure that your company’s offer and its target correspond to the audience of the social network, which is younger than on other platforms. In fact, according to data from Globalwebindex, 41% of users are between the ages of 16 and 24. TikTok is also a daily habit for 10-19 year olds. It is a medium of curiosity for thirtysomethings, who use the application a little less.

It should therefore be said that TikTok is not the most suitable platform for companies offering products or services for people over the age of 50. The most successful ads on social media are those targeting teenagers or young adults.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that TikTok’s follower count is growing rapidly. It’s a safe bet that older demographics will also join the platform. The advantage is that the social network makes it possible to target Internet users according to demographic criteria such as age, geographical location, gender or even their centers of interest. In the future, it could thus become a marketing lever for brands targeting the youngest as well as the oldest.

Choose ad formats for your TikTok ads

As on Twitter ads and on Instagram ads, there are several advertising formats to carry out its TikTok advertisements.


Top View is considered one of the most effective formats among those offered by the platform. Why ? Because the ads open as soon as the application is launched. They allow you to easily attract the attention of users and thus considerably improve the notoriety of your brand. They must last between five and sixty seconds and are visible for 24 hours. Internet users can click anywhere on the advertisement, which directs them to internal or external links. This can be useful for increasing traffic to their website or TikTok account.

In-feed Native Video

In-feed ads are native ads embedded in the user’s newsfeed. It is a non-intrusive format that naturally integrates content generated by other Internet users. These ads appear when the person swipes up to see a new video. It must also last between five and sixty seconds. It is possible to redirect your audience to a landing page.

This feature is often favored by brands running their first advertising campaigns on TikTok, as the costs per thousand (CPM) are not as high as for other formats. This makes it possible to embark on TikTok ads with caution.

Branded Hashtag Challenge

The Branded Hashtag Challenges consist of surfing on one of the latest trends in the social network. These are sponsored challenges accessible from the Discover page. The goal is to encourage the audience to promote a hashtag. Users can then resume the content or respond to the video, which are grouped together on a page dedicated to this famous hashtag. This allows a company to strengthen its notoriety and improve its engagement rate.

In this case, the campaign is deployed over six days and in several different markets.

Branded Effects

With this format, companies can personalize their ads with 2D, 3D and augmented reality filters, effects or even stickers. Note that it is also possible to create your own filters.

Branded Effects are particularly useful for creating a link with your target audience and inviting them to play with effects and interact with a brand. They come with additional engagement features, like Call-To-Action (CTA) and QR code.

illustration of different tiktok ad formatsillustration of different tiktok ad formats

TikTok offers four ad formats. Illustration: TikTok.

Create an advertisement on TikTok: the procedure to follow

Launching TikTok advertisements can help develop its notoriety, reach a new audience and introduce its products. To achieve this, however, certain key steps must be followed.

Creating an advertiser account on TikTok

On TikTok, creating an advertiser account only takes a few seconds. On the TikTok For Business page, click on “Start now”. Some information is then requested, such as e-mail. If you already have an account on the application, it is possible to connect directly with it. Once done, the process of creating a TikTok ad is quite simple.

Setting up an advertising campaign

The moment comes to design his first advertising campaign on the social network. In the TikTok ads dashboard, just click on the Campaign tab, then on “Create”. It is then necessary to define its objective. Several are offered:

Consideration, to reach as many people as possible;
Consideration, either to increase its traffic, increase the number of people who download its application or increase the number of users who view its video;
Conversion, to push prospects to take action.

Then you need to set a budget. Under the Settings tab, it is possible to choose a daily or global budget.

Create an ad group

As on Twitter, it is asked to create a TikTok ad group. Concretely, it is all the ads that will be part of an advertising campaign. During this step, you have to choose the location advertising, which can be TikTok or one of the other applications offered by the platform (News Feed and Pangle). However, it is possible to let the social network’s algorithm choose where the ad will appear.

The second step is to define target. Different criteria are proposed:

  • Demography, i.e. gender, geographic location, age or language spoken;
  • areas of interest;
  • The behaviour ;
  • The settings of the device used, such as the operating system.

Then you have to indicate the details of the announcement. This includes the following:

  • The type of promotion, including the main objective of the TikTok advertisement;
  • Profile image, which will be visible to users. It must have a 1:1 ratio and must not exceed 50 KB;
  • The display name, i.e. that of his company;
  • The category of his ad;
  • Keywords, so that the ad is seen by the right audience. It is possible to add up to twenty;
  • Download the video, so people can keep it.

You must specify whether you opt for the daily or global budget and the amount thereof. The duration of the announcement must also be entered, as well as the time slots that we prefer. It is also possible to choose continuous execution.

Setting delivery options

It is necessary to specify the speed at which you want to spend the allocated sum. Two options are available:

  • The standard broadcastthanks to which the budget will be distributed evenly over the entire duration of the advertising campaign;
  • Maximized diffusionwhich consists of spending the established sum as quickly as possible over a certain period of time.

Choice of optimization objective

As on every social network, campaigns are optimized according to specific objectives. For its part, TikTok offers three, starting with conversions. Ads with this objective target users who are most likely to take action, either by buying the brand’s products or by doing further research on it.

The second is the clicks, aiming to get as many people as possible to click on an ad or CTA. The last is the impressionsso that it can be viewed by as many people as possible.

ad design

Designing the visual of your ad does not require technical knowledge or a lot of time. The tool called “Creation Kit” provides image and video templates to use to customize your own posts. It comes with over 300 free background music. All you have to do is upload your media, write your text and add a CTA.

TikTok ads can be useful for building your brand awareness, increasing your leads, and boosting your sales. The challenge is to create advertisements that will seduce your target and push them to take action. To achieve this, it is always possible to obtain the advice of a webmarketing agency.

If you would like to know more about our areas of expertise within the Siècle Digital agency, do not hesitate to contact us using the form on our website
