how to convince management to adopt a collaborative tool?

That’s it, you’ve benchmarked the collaborative tools on the market. Not so easy to navigate in this jungle. There are corporate social networks, the intranet, the digital workplace, team messaging… a whole host of solutions with their own characteristics. Once you think you have found the right solution, there is one final step: convince your management to adopt a collaborative tool.


What arguments to convince my management?

It is with this objective that Jamespot, a French software publisher specializing in collaborative and social solutions in SaaS, invites you to meet February 15, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. for a webinar dedicated to this topic. Jamespot experts will give you the keys and the best arguments to convince your management to choose a collaborative solution to improve communication and collaboration within your company.

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Matthieu Lluis and Jean-Christophe Billerey invite you to meet them on Thursday February 15 to discuss this subject. In addition to promoting employee engagement, a corporate social network helps strengthen collaboration and cohesion between the various departments. A collaborative tool like this one also makes it possible to promote exchange and communication as well as the sharing of knowledge. An excellent way to accelerate the digital transformation of your company. These are the first arguments that you can put forward.


Nevertheless, for the collaborative tool you have chosen to take root in your company, it is essential that your management believes in it. If leaders don’t use this tool, chances are the rest of the teams will do the same. This is why Jamespot will help you reassure and convince your management during this webinar.

Setting up a corporate social network cannot be improvised. Its implementation requires a very clear strategy. As a project manager, you must define objectives, think about how to involve the various stakeholders in the company and above all establish measurement indicators to ensure that the chosen solution works properly. Short, by participating in this webinaryou will see more clearly on the main steps to put in place to convince your management to adopt a collaborative tool.

If the subject interests you but you are not available on this niche, it does not matter. Jamespot still invites you to register for the February 15 webinar to access the replay of the event once the live is over. Don’t wait any longer and register!



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