How to close dilated pores on the face, the right skincare | iO Woman

THE enlarged pores on the face are democratic. If it is true that they are more easily noticed on oilier skin, they are (inevitably) also present on normal and dry skin, regardless of age. The reason? One of the main functions of the skin: perspiration. Generally small and almost invisible, it happens that on some skins they tend to dilate, becoming a point of accumulation of impurities and imperfections. Fundamental one correct skincare routine, to stay ahead of the game or clean up those present.

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Enlarged pores, the main cause is genetics

The pores, more or less dilated, they are small epidermal holes from which sweat and sebum escape through canaliculi. Its activities are regulated by the genetic predisposition of the skin’s mechanisms: «Primarily the production of sebum. The more important it is, the more it is a sign of a larger size of the sebaceous glands and therefore of the pores themselves. This usually explains why they appear more easily in the central part of the face, the T-zone nose, chin, forehead or between the eyebrows, all areas rich in these glands” explains the Dr. Andrea Maroni, Healthcare Director Bat Center Milan.

«Yes they can also record changes during the period of the month: the dilation of pores can change during the menstrual cycle, days in which acne can also appear. For this reason, enlarged pores are linked to hormonal changes, both monthly and adolescent ones, the period in which the glands work the most.”

Other impacting factors include aging and sun damage. In the first case, the physiological reduction in the production of collagen and elastin, proteins that support the structure of the pores, tends to make them enlarge. In the case of the sun, overexposure to the rays destroys collagen and elastin, thus reducing the firmness of the skin and widening the pores.

How to shrink enlarged pores?

Is it possible to reduce enlarged pores? Yes and no. As the expert explains, you can reduce them but not eliminate them, or close them altogether. For this reason you can plan ahead, trying to prevent them or in any case stem their appearance in everyday life or with adequate treatments.

“They have to be used gentle cleansers to wash your face, to keep your pores as clean as possible reducing the accumulation of sebum. Furthermore, it would be a good idea to use oil-free or non-comedogenic products. Don’t forget to apply sunscreenessential to reduce the degeneration of collagen and elastin as much as possible, which is why I recommend using creams with sun protection all year round.”

Chemical peeling, microneedling and more: beauty treatments

You can also intervene in a more “decisive” way with some ad hoc beauty treatments.

“The chemical peeling specific medical treatment is performed by expert doctors and has the aim to clean the pores of cellular debris and excess sebum so as to help them shrink. The cadences are to be decided based on skin type, gender and age.”

Alternatively there is the microneedling: «it is a medical technique that involves microscopic and multiple punctures with very small and sterile needles. The procedure creates micro-traumas in the skin which, by stimulating a healing response to the trauma itself, they trigger the production of collagen, an important pore support structure. The treatment is not painful and involves only slight redness” explains Dr. Maroni.

Even some medical lasers they are very fit for purpose. ANDthey slightly peel the superficial epidermal layer, thus stimulating the production of collagen“in this case 2-3 sessions every four to eight weeks are recommended.”

Retinol, the ingredient to be tested

Delicate active ingredient from vitamin A, also present in some skincare products in low percentages, retinol is suitable for eliminating dead cells and unclogging pores: «Perhaps not everyone knows that it also stimulates the production of collagen, so as to keep the skin elastic» explains the expert.

When to use it? «Definitely in the eveningbefore going to bed, because it increases epidermal sensitivity to the sun causing irritation and spots” concludes the expert.

