How to cleanse your skin after the holidays

ORobjective purify from panettone, pandoro, toast and appetizers that are all there, on the face: holidays are not exactly moments of joy for the skin and the results can be seen just after Christmas, when it appears more gray and dull, shiny, full of imperfections. She is nicknamed “sugar face”, literally skin full of sugars. It is possible to find balance again, with a detox effect skincare. Which includes starting to eat healthy again!

Purify the “sugar face”, the skin of the face after the holidays

An excessive consumption of sugars often leads to the appearance of imperfections, pimples, dehydration, therefore more marked lines and wrinkles, but also bags under the eyes and a more dull complexion in general, as well as increased sebum production.

The causes can be both the increase in the insulin rate and any digestive and intestinal imbalances: both factors that they stress the body and also have an impact on the appearance of the epidermis.

Detox after the holidays (@elsahosk Instagram)

What to do to purify the skin, the steps

Fight impurities in the morning, nourish and hydrate at night. This is how tired and tired skin begins to reset.

Cleansing is essential not only for a matter of hygiene but also for starting a detox strategy. You need a delicate cleanser, suitable for all skin types, which possibly incorporates vitamin E. How to use it best? Just massage it in circular motions on the face and neck for about two minutes and then rinse.

Fundamental are creams and serums for the night. These products are formulated to act more deeply than daytime products so as to perform a more intense action. In fact, at night the skin regenerates itself, especially between 11 pm and 4 am is its time of greatest activity. There are also those who leave the anti-aging cream mask on all night. When you wake up, your skin is like new!

Yes to double cleansing and scrub. But carefully

Among the optional steps of the post-Christmas detox beauty routine: double cleansing, scrubs and deep cleansing treatments such as peelings and specific masks.

Facial cleansing: the steps to do it at home

There double cleansing, originally from Korea, is a two-step cleanse. The first in oil, on a dry face, to remove sebum and impurities “by affinity”. After rinsing it off, you switch to a formula that acts “by contrast”, foaming and with delicate surfactants with a washing and cleaning action.

Ideal for the evening, so as to eliminate all impurities, however it is not recommended for all skin types: for example, on particularly dry, delicate and sensitive hair it can be aggressive!

The same indication also applies to scrubs, peelings and masks. Better to use them at most twice a week so as not to stress an already delicate skin.

Detoxify the skin also with nutrition

Finally, after the holidays, you should return to healthy habits even at the table. First of all starting again to drink about two liters of water a day so as to rebalance the liquids, the first step for purification. Green tea, herbal teas, flavored waters and extracts also help eliminate waste and toxins.

Then you need to fill up on vitamins, especially C, with tangerines and oranges, because they have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and illuminating properties. Bet on alighter feed with cereals, white meat and fish so it is essential. Better to leave carbohydrates at lunch and proteins in the evening. Fruit with less sugar: apples, pears, blueberries, grapefruit at the start of the day even in yoghurt.

And then do some physical activity. Small measures such as climbing stairs instead of using the elevator and walking when possible are all that is needed. Finally, remember to get around eight hours of sleep a night.

