How to clean jewelry according to Pandora

Ppolish the jewels, an action very often underestimated. Yet, if done correctly, it helps to keep your precious ones much longer. Also because make-up, perfume, sweat not only accumulate on chains, bracelets & Co but above all tend to ruin them. For this reason, Pandora’s experts have drawn up a mini-guide to keep in mind when putting your hands on precious ones.

How to clean jewellery: how often to do it?

Starting from the beginning, How often should jewelry be cleaned? «The frequency depends on the materials used and the type of jewel. Earrings, for example, need to be cleaned more frequently than bracelets and necklaces to avoid irritation or infection. In general, however, they should be cleaned at least once a week if worn every day and disinfected once a month with a delicate disinfectant such as hydrogen peroxide» explain the experts from the Danish company.

Instead, if the jewelry is worn shortly after cleaning it should be placed in the case or jewelry box; because of this, they should be kept away from heat sources and direct sunlight and stored in a fabric and felt jewelery box with separate compartments so as not to get damaged so that dust and dirt cannot ruin them. In fact, jewels are sensitive to the patina of time but also to atmospheric agents.

“Wanting you can also add small bags of silica gel to protect silver and other metals from moisture. It is advisable to store diamond jewelery in a special compartment as they can scratch other metals or stones very easily”.

How to clean silver jewellery

Air, humidity, pollution and acidic substances oxidize the silver which, as a result, turns black. Precautions can be taken, as the Pandora experts explain: «First of all, Avoid letting silver come into contact with skin creams or lotions, detergents, hairsprays or perfumes. However, since these are daily used products, silver jewellery they must be cleaned weekly with a soft cloth to remove any residue. For a more thorough cleaning it is good to use one toothbrush with soft bristles and a special product for polishing silver jewellery».

Gold or silver?  How to choose jewels based on color harmony

Do-it-yourself household tips abound online for keeping metals clean. Can they be followed? “Would be better avoid using potentially abrasive products such as toothpaste, lemon juice, vinegar or baking soda. Even boiling water is not good because it risks causing the detachment of stones or gems».

How to clean gold jewellery

Less than silver, even gold undergoes a process of opacification, for this reason it should be cleaned not only at home but also professionally so as to always have it perfectly polished. Especially if it’s white gold. In this case, being an alloy that tends to “turn yellow”, it loses its brightness; for this reason it must be subjected to a rhodium plating or “galvanic bath” by an expert in order to regain the lost shine.

In general, however, gold jewellery, Pandora or not, they should be cleaned once a week or once a month at the latest.

Stones, pearls and mother-of-pearl: how to clean jewels with precious details

Diamond, zirconia, ruby, sapphire and quartz are very resistant, emerald, amethyst and aquamarine are the most delicate and must be handled and cleaned with care. Aside from this distinction, in general, jewels with precious stones, hard or synthetic, are more resistant than those without.

How to take care of the stones? «All stones can be cleaned with warm soapy water and brush in circular motions with a soft bristle toothbrush. It is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature (for example switching from hot to cold water) which could cause veining or cracking. Gemstones can be cleaned at home every 3-4 months, or monthly for jewelry that is worn more often». Also pay attention to professional cleaning with ultrasound, because it tends to damage them irreparably, and when the stones are set because they could become detached.

Pearls, mother of pearls, amber and corals are the most delicate of all: «Pearl and mother-of-pearl can be cleaned with a soft cloth every time you take them off after wearing them. For more thorough cleaning, you can use a cloth moistened with soapy water»

Unlike other stones, the pearl and mother of pearl they need humidity because too dry a climate can lead to the loss of their shine and the formation of cracks. Because of this should be kept separately from other jewelryeven better if wrapped in a soft cloth, or close to a moistened cotton ball to prevent them from drying out.

Finally «it is also good to wear them regularly because the natural oils of the skin help to keep them hydrated and shiny».

Good habits when wearing jewellery

They may seem obvious but it is useful, just to preserve the jewels, to adopt some small precautions. For example, they should be worn last to avoid damaging them and should be removed before each bath or showerespecially if the bijou are in silver. Also pay attention to the sea and the swimming pool: salt and chlorine in fact dull all metals.

