how to celebrate it at the table – iO Donna

Lhe happiness, after two years of fighting the virus and with the pain of the war in Ukraine upon us, seems really difficult to achieve. Yet, despite everything, like every year, March 20 is the International Day of Happiness. Why not create the conditions by bringing to the table foods of good humor and taking advantage of the benefits of chromotherapy to compose each dish?

Anxiety and mood disorders

Without our realizing it, concerns about infections have faded into the background and the disastrous consequences of armed clashes are the constant thought of these days. The mood is therefore not at its best. According to SIP Italian Society of Psychiatry, the mix of war and pandemic makes people more unstable, insecure and helplessby encouraging the psychological distress already activated by two years of the pandemic, with the risk of developing a emotional exhaustion from stress overload with anxiety and mood disordersjust as we were timidly returning to experience and re-savor feelings of trust and hope for the future.

Foods for a good mood

“One of the reasons for the physiological changes in mood is the absence of carbohydrates. When we deprive ourselves of it, at first we feel a kind of euphoria due to the ketone bodies which, in the absence of carbohydrates, are produced in our body from fats. Gradually though euphoria gives way to a lowering of mood. The goal is to provide to our bodythrough proper nutrition, more energy and specific nutrients for brain functiontake foods that stabilize the level of sugar in the blood, stimulate brain neurotransmitters such as serotonin and provide the right amount of minerals and vitamins », explains the doctor Tiziana Stallonenutritionist biologist.

Ikigai: 7 happiness exercises

Watch out for addictions

Food moves the state of well-being, but can be addictive. «It is the case of the palatable foods, “designed at the table” to generate pleasure, such as potato chips or milk chocolate. In this case the pleasure turns into a sort of addiction that leads to the “craving effect”, an impulsive / compulsive craving for food or any other rewarding object or behavior. The activated neurotransmitters are endocannabinoids and the result is that we can’t stop»Warns the expert. Also watch out for alcohol which at the moment makes us feel more cheerful but in the long run produces harmful effects on the body. According to a published study in the magazine Lancet Oncologyalcohol consumption is associated with the development of various types of cancersfrom that of the liver to those of the mouth, larynx, pharynx and esophagus, but also of colorectal and breast in women.

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Happiness: how to activate it with chromotherapy

To activate a reserve of energy, hope and emotional balance, help comes from the colors of the food. Each color, in fact, has the ability to influence our emotions and our behaviors. The Consortium for the Protection of Bresaola della Valtellinawith the help of the Doctor Gaia Vicenzi, psychologist and psychotherapist, has come up with one guide on chromotherapy at the table to nourish emotions and charge up with positive energy.

