How to care for your skin after fillers and peels

THE beauty treatments last generation – laser, peeling, fillers and other micro-injections – today they are almost painless and tend to have no side effects. Yet, some redness or small bruises can always appear, even on the healthiest skin. The dermatologist explains how to best treat them at home.

Jamie Lee Curtis: «Fillers are wiping out generations of beauty»

Aesthetic treatments: what happens to the skin after peeling

Post-facial cosmetic surgery treatments are not all the same. Much changes depending on any adverse reactions, the type of skin and the treatment performed by the aesthetic doctor. First of all, we must distinguish between injectable treatments and peelings, which possible side effects are different.

«Peeling, in particular, can cause only a slight erythema that resolves quite quickly, or more profound reactions with redness and flaking more evident” he says Corinna Rigonipresident of Women Dermatologists Italy. It is the other side of the coin to stimulate with a shock action the turnover mobile phone.

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«The major reactions usually occur within 24 hours following the peeling – continues the expert – but a lot also depends on the type of skin and how it reacts to some external agents that could further sensitize it».

How to care for your skin after peeling

There are, in any case, some basic rules: «At home, after the peeling, the skin must literally be nourished, you need to be generous with the doses even if at the beginning you feel a slight burning or discomfort», explains Rigoni.

The choice is between serums, creams or ointments. «All based on extracts of witch hazelchamomile, polypeptides, glycerin, vitamins and shea butter”, underlines the dermatologist. Among the star ingredients of the post-beauty treatment creams are also hyaluronic acid and gotu kola extract. While the first, resulting from a biofermentation process starting from vegetable sugars, preserves skin hydration, the second, extracted from the leaves of the so-called “tiger grass”, repairs in depth thanks to its saponins combined with flavonoids and mineral salts.

Also pay attention to your gestures: «In the days following the professional peeling, better to wash your face with thermal water which, if necessary, can be re-vaporated on red skin during the day” advises Rigoni. «Avoid wearing make-up, don’t take baths or showers that are too hot but, above all, avoid any type of do-it-yourself remedy». If in doubt about any skin rashes, contact your dermatologist or aesthetic doctor before intervening.

Aesthetic treatments: what happens to the skin after filler

There are various post-aesthetic treatments to be done after fillers. «With these they inject into the skin substances, such as hyaluronic acid, which recall water, filling expression lineswrinkles and furrows”, explains Rigoni.

They have no particular side effects: «Just a few small bruises in case of capillary and skin fragility”, confirms the expert. Rarely, in the 24-48 hours following the injections, other more serious redness and swelling appear in the treated area. In any case, these are symptoms that resolve spontaneously in a short time.

How to care for skin after filler

«Even in this case, the aesthetic doctor will directly recommend the most appropriate home treatments to resolve any adverse reactions and then maintain the results of the filler over time», says the president of Donne Dermatologhe Italia. «To be avoided, in case of swelling, ice which can paradoxically cause burns».

«After the filler it is therefore better to apply specific formulas, capable of reabsorbing hematomasand a little make up using the camouflage», concludes the expert.

