How to calculate the selectivity mark

With the exams selectivity around the corner, many students wonder how you get the Final note with which to access University degree desired, as long as the cut-off mark stipulated. The rating is taken into account in this calculation. half of high schoolin addition to those obtained in the overall phase and the specific of the PAU. However, not all of them have the same weight about the end result.

access note

As established by the Generalitat in the University Channelthe access note is one that considers high school average and the rating of the overall phase of selectivity. To obtain this figure, assign a 60% to the average high school grade, while the 40% remaining is in charge of the average achieved in the subjects mandatory of the PAUs. In this case, the weights of the specific phase are not yet included.

Therefore, the access note will result from the addition of two multiplications: the average high school grade (WBC) by 0.6 plus the qualification of the general phase (CFS) by 0.4. It should be noted that the note of the compulsory phase, between five and ten, has indefinite validity.

admission note

Unlike the access note, the admission note yes it is calculated with the weights applied to each subject optionala worth that will vary according to him degree university you want to access. The specific phase has up to three voluntary exercises, the results of which will only add a note from passedthat is, with a grade equal to or greater than five.

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Two exists types weightsof 0.1 either 0.2which multiplied to the grade of the specific test of each subject (M1 Y M2) will allow to obtain up to four points. Thus, grades of up to two of exercises for increase the admission note. to the notes of the specific phase with the weighting (a Y b) applied, add the access notegiving rise to the admission note, of up to 14 points.

With the admission grade already calculated, future university students should review what is the cut-off mark of the career to which they wish to access to check if the admission note beats said value. If so, they will have a square insured to continue their studies at the college.
