How to avoid snoring | News

“To stop snoring, the essential thing is to visit an ENT specialist, who through a systematic examination will give you medical advice and explain the causes of said snoring,” he stated. Carlos O’Connor, doctor specialized in Otorhinolaryngology at the Triay Medical Center clinic in San Pedro de Alcántara of Málaga and member of Top Doctors to the ABC portal.

Snoring is a consequence of resistance to the passage of air in the upper airway. The phenomenon takes place during sleep as a result of the vibration of the soft tissues of the mouth and throat. When you sleep, muscle tone and the tissues that make up the upper airway decrease, this causes resistance to the passage of air during breathing.

According to experts, hygienic-dietary measures, reducing weight, doing physical exercise, avoiding heavy meals, quitting tobacco and alcohol, would be some of the main effective solutions. “Normally, snoring is reduced by sleeping on your side. This prevents gravity from causing the tissues of the oropharynx to fall towards the airway, causing its obstruction and subsequent snoring,” explained O’Connor.

There are also surgical treatments such as radiofrequency of the palate, chemical sclerosis or the uvulopalatal flap proposed by the otorhinolaryngologist in cases with specific characteristics. “Any person who snores and is told that they have respiratory arrests during sleep, it is good that they go to their doctor so that they can rule out that they do not have a Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome“, warned Dr. Ortiz, of the Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital from Spain.

According to the classification of the American Association of Sleep Disorders, snoring can be of three types. The first is called simple snoring, which is sporadic, mild in sound and its cause is usually postural when sleeping on your back or after ingesting alcohol. There is moderate snoring that influences the rest of the people who sleep next to them, and can affect their social relationships.

The phenomenon takes place during sleep as a result of the vibration of the soft tissues of the mouth and throat.

Finally, the Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAS) It is the most harmful to health, since it is accompanied by respiratory arrest during sleep, reducing oxygen in the blood and also produces fragmented and unrefreshing sleep.

This last type of snoring has various symptoms that can be anticipated for treatment. Weight gain, the tendency to fall asleep during the day, morning headaches and prolonged fatigue are factors to take into account to remedy the problem. Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome.

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