How to attract foreign clients: without leaving your home

Expanding your services online today is possible, even without having to travel to contact potential foreign clients. Regardless of where you want to go geographically, today we can shorten distances with a click.

Today I want to talk to you about Inbound Marketing and your goal. This methodology seeks to attract customers through the creation of valuable content and tailor-made experiences. This methodology is a true tool to reach an international audience.

Digital channels made our way much easier, but the reality is that if we do not have a solid marketing and communication plan, nothing will make sense and we will not obtain results. That is why it is important to be clear about certain points to apply inbound marketing in the foreign market.

Next I will develop the basic steps to apply inbound marketing and generate potential customers in the foreign market:

– Be clear about which countries you want to target: You must think about which countries have the greatest potential for your business, this implies knowing your competition, knowledge of the audience, economic factors, consumption habits, among other data. Each country is culturally different and we must know it to adapt our content strategy and capture their attention.

– Clear north, define your objectives: The objective is clearly to attract new clients, but it is necessary to assume other goals to make the achievement possible. For example: working on the positioning of your website, traffic strategies, increasing your database, etc.

– How is your client?: We must think about who our potential customers will be to develop an international inbound marketing strategy, understanding that we may have different profiles by country. We need to relieve interests and behaviors.

– The star, the content: For this strategy, content is the most important thing, because it is through it that we capture the user’s attention to convert them into a customer. Ideally, you should always create original content, thinking about the value it will have for your target audience. The key here is to speak the same language, to know their needs, forms of expression. If the content is not valuable, you will not get results.

– Alliances and enter your circle: More and more professionals and online brands are coming together in a win and win. The key is knowing how to choose who can really help you grow your brand in this new territory that you want to conquer. As it is also important to enter the online places that they frequent, to generate contacts and that they know you. Example: join masterclass, memberships, networking.

It is possible and it is proven that through this methodology you can attract foreign clients, it is definitely not free, but it is not too expensive either. It takes research, investing time and a lot of strategic analysis. Do you dare to take the first step to achieve it?

Antonella Alcoba, CEO and Director of @buenacomunicacion.aa

Digital Business Mentor & Coach

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