How to achieve successful work teams

The millennial and centennial generations within an organizational environment are increasingly looking for a sense of belonging within an organization, they seek to be comfortable in their day-to-day work. Compared to a few decades ago, the economic salary has not lost weight, but the emotional salary has become increasingly relevant. They are generations of people looking for:

  • Make your purpose (individual) compatible with the purpose of the organization (collective)
  • Identify yourself, feel proud of “being a part”.

The counterpart of this is that organizations face the enormous challenge of helping their collaborators find that purpose that they are looking for within themselves or facing the reality of preparing to lose them because there will be others that can give it to them. The investment of time that an organization makes to add someone new, from the time they join until they are considered “productive”, varies from 3 to 6 months on average depending on the seniority; the cost of losing it is undoubtedly high (and expensive!).

There is an agenda of issues that organizations have in common regardless of size, type or location; Topics such as Wellbeing (well-being) and Belonging (belonging) have begun to take on greater relevance in recent years and it is not at all casual or random.

in 2021 McKinsey & Co.. published an article after a research process carried out with more than 1,000 collaborators from different companies in the United States. Although we know that it is not the same labor scenario as in Latin American countries, there are some significant meeting points such as a Western work culture and the region as one of the highest level of exports of services in areas such as technology and research. towards the United States. Among their most relevant conclusions they mention that:

  1. Millennials were three times more likely than others to say they were reevaluating the job they had.
  2. People who live their purpose at work are more productive than people who don’t. They are also healthier, more resilient, and more likely to stay with the company. Additionally, when they feel their purpose is aligned with the organization’s purpose, the benefits expand to include increased engagement, increased loyalty, and a willingness to recommend the company to others.

In the same article, they conclude that roles calibrated as “senior management” or “executives” are almost eight times more likely than other collaborators to say that their purpose is fulfilled within the organization.

In this case, it seems important to me to rethink the role of Leaders and ask ourselves a key question: What a great challenge there is to work on narrowing that gap, right? For organizations, having leaders engaged and connected to the macro-purpose It is very valuable, now, the network flag to keep an eye on is the one associated with the (non)commitment that a large part of their respective reports could have.

In conclusion, hiring talent is and will continue to be a priority agenda item in organizations without a doubt; What has been added to the equation for some time now is the ability to retain said talent for as long as possible. The latter is a set of issues and actions that can be addressed from different organizational areas:

  • Attraction and selection teams, proposing talents that are in tune with the purpose/purpose of the organization.
  • Team in charge of compensation and benefits, designing an integrating proposal, where wellbeing be part.
  • Leaders in conjunction with development areas, who design career plans oriented to the collaborator from the person as an individual beyond the team, identifying their objectives, desires and how to accompany them so that those objectives happen.
  • Team leaders who seek to be motivational references and promoters of good cultural practices.

*By Ludmila Zerga, co-founder of Boost Inc., graduate in Labor Relations, with experience in IT and digital industry companies.

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