How the testosterone chip that improves the physique and enhances the libido works

Some days ago Soledad Solaro He shared a video on his social networks, where he carries out a talk with his family doctor, Damien Rozenberg, who explains some issues to improve health and quality of life. The 43-year-old model confessed to carrying a testosterone pelletpopularly known as “sex chip”. A curious denomination that he spread Carmen Barbieri on his television show.

“The testosterone pellet is the size of a grain of rice and is put in every six months. In my specific case, doing blood and hormonal tests, my testosterone level was well below it. Since I was missing that hormone, I had to put it on,” explained the journalist specializing in the automotive world and added: “It always has to be carried out according to the clinical analyzes of each of the patients.”

Regarding this use, Solaro highlighted: “It is true that testosterone is lost in the body after a certain age, especially in the pre-menopause in the case of women. That’s why one always has to replace it. My doctor always emphasizes improving the quality of life and, by putting the pellet on me, muscle mass and bone mass are improved, it gives you more energy, and your hair and skin improve. It also gives you a little more sexual desire, hence the name as the sex chip.

Regarding the pellet implantation procedure, Solaro described: “They make a small cut at the height of the buttocks. Everything is surgical and it takes five minutes, they give you local anesthesia and apply the pellet. You have to be with gauze for a couple of days, you continue with normal activity. This pellet dissolves over a period of six months” and he added: “Before, I applied cream every day, but this is much more comfortable”.

Soledad Solaro

Some personalities in the field of entertainment have confessed to having placed this “sex chip”, although more men than women. In this way, the model feels comfortable with the decision she made, showing it on her personal Instagram account and sharing her personal experience with her followers to serve as motivation. A path and an expanded trend for the improvement of health and quality of life.

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