How the sensory glasses that River uses work

Technology is gaining more and more ground in high-performance sports practices. In the case of local soccer, the River Plate Athletic Club released the first images of the preseason training, in which you can see the use of special glasses by the goalkeepers of Núñez’s team. These sunglasses-like devices are called strobe lenses.

Within the field of neuroscience, strobe lenses They allow some very specific exercises to be carried out, which aim to improve the reflexes and reaction capacity of the goalkeepers. The four goalkeepers tested the new tool and the millionaire club’s social networks showed some images of the training. In the photographs, you can see how those directed by Martin Demichelis apply the technological resource.

According to specialists, the main objective of using these glasses is for goalkeepers to be able to locate the ball without depending exclusively on visual information. This allows faster decision making and enhances the ability to react and concentrate. All elements that the footballers of the millionaire team put into practice in the IMG Academy in Bradenton, State of Florida.

Since January 7, River Plate develops the preseason in Orlando, USA. In the last hours, the club confirmed that the team will play two friendlies to gain rhythm. They are about duels before Rayados de Monterreyon Wednesday, January 17 at the stadium Dallas Cotton Bowl and in front of Pachuca, also from Mexico, on January 20.


Under supervision of Sandra Rossiin charge of the neuroscience department of River Plate, the youth Santiago Beltrán and Lucas Lavagnino They were the first to try them. In this way, each goalkeeper, faced with a loss of notion in relation to the trajectory of the ball, must act by putting into action and increasing his reflexes, without needing to depend exclusively on the vision of the ball.

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