How the bark beetle helps the Harz forest to heal

Unique nature, legendary, mystical: That is the Harz Mountains. In Germany’s northernmost low mountain range, past and future meet, old warhorses and young visionaries, witches and hipsters. In their film, the ZDF reporters Elisabeth Schmidt, Daniela Sonntag and Andreas Weise show the “Harz in Transition”. Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia: Three federal states, three state studios that report – and in the truest sense of the word without borders. The Harz, through which the German-German border used to run, connects today. Just like the people who live and work there, one goal unites them: making the region fit for the future.

Whether it’s the thrill of a suspended cable car, a modern witch’s dance or a creative kitchen – the film presents real “Harz residents” and their ideas. Using the example of the Harz National Park and the Rabensteiner tunnel, the audience can learn how foresters and miners work to preserve the natural jewels. You can look at the plate of Saxony-Anhalt’s only star chef and enjoy a traditional high-proof drink as a nightcap: Echten Nordhäuser Korn! How is life as a young person today in the region that was once considered so dusty? Three young angel influencers explain why they want to stay in the Harz Mountains. The region lures you with an adventure in the Harz mountains across countries. Creative cooks, tourism 2.0, a new mountain forest – the region wants to take off.
