how sexually transmitted infections influence fertility

09/03/2023 at 20:00


Only in 2021 there were 15,000 cases of gonorrhea and 20,500 of chlamydia in Spain.

For some time now, different scientific societies have been warning about the increase in sexually transmitted infections in Spain.

The concern of the experts is given by the consequences that this type of infection can have in the short and long term, from dermatological problemsthe greater the vulnerability to HIV or suffer cancer.

But, in addition to all this, it is very important to remember that STIs, especially the gonorrhea wave chlamydiacan become a problem when it comes to achieving a pregnancy due to the appearance of the pelvic inflammatory disease (EIP).

This issue acquires special importance if we look at the latest report from the Ministry of Health “Epidemiological Surveillance of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Spain & rdquor; published this year, which states that only in 2021 gonorrhea casesand placed in more than 15,000, 20,500 in the case of chlamydia.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

As he explains Dr. Elkin Munozreproductive health specialist and director of IVI Vigo and A Coruña“pelvic inflammatory disease occurs mainly as a consequence of gonorrhea and chlamydia infection, and it is that these sexually transmitted bacteria they spread from the vagina to the uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries & rdquor ;.

Experts warn of the consequences that STIs can have in the short and long term, such as increased vulnerability to HIV or cancer

Said bacteria “cause inflammation, scarring and even a possible obstruction of the fallopian tubes, making fertilization difficult and even being able to cause ectopic pregnancies in the future. Besides, the ovaries and uterus are also affected by this inflammatory process and can become produce abscesses”.

And if the fallopian tubes are blocked from a previous infection, they will not be able to transport eggs from the ovaries and consequently there will not be many or any eggs for the sperm to find and fertilize to form an embryo.

But it is not the only danger of this pathology caused by STIs. Fertility specialists explain that the situation may arise in which the tubes are partially blocked and eventually sperm and egg meet, but the damage caused by the STI can prevent the embryo from implanting in the uterus.

In 2020, gonorrhea cases stood at more than 15,000, 20,500 in the case of chlamydia

Moreover, in the event that the infection is very serious it can scar the uterus and end up giving rise to Asherman’s syndromemaking it difficult for an embryo to unite or develop.

The condom is the only barrier to avoid STIs | freepik

Keys to detect gonorrhea and chlamydia

The consequences of these two pathologies are much more complicated since their infection may go unnoticed by patients.

Gonorrhea is usually asymptomaticand when he presents symptoms are almost imperceptible.

In addition, this infection presents a greater resistance to antibiotic treatmentsomething that does not happen with chlamydia.

That’s why, early detection is key to avoid future problems.

If symptoms like pain in the lower abdomen, abnormal vaginal discharge, painful intercourse, bleeding between periods and burning when urinating a specialist should be consulted so that they can treat a possible pelvic inflammatory disease as soon as possible,” warns Dr. Muñoz.

“Sometimes it also happens that many women barely develop symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease or they are often confused with cystitis or a vaginal infectionso it ends up being diagnosed when it comes to finding difficulties in achieving pregnancy”.

“Besides, If they are not treated, these symptoms will worsen as the infectious process progresses,” he adds.

STIs also cause fertility problems in men. |

So much for chlamydia and gonorrhea, but there are other sexually transmitted infections, such as Human papilloma virus (HPV), which can also complicate female fertility.

Since although it does not cause infertility by itself, some studies suggest that when living with chlamydia It also increases the risk of increased risk of miscarriage or may make implantation difficult due to the surgical or radiation treatments required to address it.

And the consequences for male reproductive health?

The fertility It is not only a feminine question but also a masculine one. Although they seem to affect women more, STIs can cause infertility in them too.

A gonorrhea or chlamydia infection it can block the ducts located at the back of the testicles (epididymis), which store and then transport sperm during ejaculation.

If the infection is HPVthe ability of sperm to move freely is complicated, which directly affects the chances of achieving a pregnancy.

Fertility is not only a female issue but also a male one. Although they seem to affect women more, STIs can cause infertility in men too

“A blocked epididymis will not allow any sperm to reach the egg during intercourse or it will make it difficult in the case of low motility. But if we start from the basis of contagion of the STI to a female partner, then the probabilities that they exist many more difficulties when conceiving multiply& rdquor ;, clarifies the doctor.

For all these reasons, reproductive health specialists emphasize the importance of preventionthrough the use of preservativeto avoid the appearance of STIs that can directly impact our fertility in the future.

If this occurs, other possibilities could always be explored by Assisted reproduction in order to achieve a full-term pregnancy.
