how not to make mistakes – I Woman

gAlready chosen by over 2 million Italians, the eyebrow tattoo or permanent make-up remains a certainty in fact of eyebrow trends also in 2023. In fact, any type of eyebrow can find in this technique the solution to many needs, such as the correction of any thinning, asymmetries, shapes that are not suitable for the proportions of the face. What to know and how to choose the right technique, avoiding risks and mistakes.

Eyebrow tattoo: how to choose the right technique

«The face is the most visible part of each of us, it can make us feel confident, but it can also make us constantly uncomfortable if we see a flaw. To avoid unpleasant inconveniences, it is good to follow a few but important tips», he explains Arba Kamberiinternational expert and CEO of Abbipmu.

The goal? Avoid finding yourself with spots, irregular designs, altered furrows and color that changes (that is, that changes over time) can ruin the looks and harmonies of the face.

Microblading: Not suitable for oily skin

Beware of microblading. «There are three main reasons: the microblading it is a technique born in Asia where people have thicker and non-oily skin. There European skin, on the other hand, is thinner and in 80% of cases oily or mixed and with often dilated pores. In these situations microblading is not recommended as after a short time from the treatment the defined section can begin to deform and lose definition» says the expert.

Furthermore – continues the expert – «it gives a result that may initially seem natural, but over time it can change making the hairs all the same in thickness, giving a flat impression without three-dimensionality».

Last, but not least, microblading is a technique that traumatizes the skin: «after performing several touch-ups you come to create micro scars caused by repeated cuts in the same place. That’s why if you want a natural and non-traumatic result for the skin it is recommended the dermograph technique also called “hyper-realistic fur”».

Dermographer: for a hyper-realistic eyebrow tattoo

“A hyper-realistic eyebrow well executed it must have the variety necessary to reproduce the appearance of the natural one. This is why the dermograph can be a good solution: the final result is a three-dimensional hair complete with its own volume, perceived in relief».

On the left, Angelina Jolie’s eyebrows in 1999, on the right as they are today. (Credits: GettyImages)

“There dermograph technique And basically suitable for all skin types and above all, it has a less traumatizing impact on the skin than microblading, which is why the tattoo created can be reworked indefinitely. Furthermore – continues the expert – this technique can also be used for the brow arch construction for men with very realistic results.

What to consider before performing the treatment

“The first piece of advice to follow is to always go to a professional, such as a professional dermopigmentist. Make sure he is qualified in the region with this qualification and is not a simple beautician ».

“Absolutely from avoid treatments of this type at home: the lower cost implies less health safety, hygiene and protection in case of problems. Then make sure that the working environment is hygienically safepossibly dedicated to this procedure and not used for other services (waxing, hair dyeing, massages, etc.).

Also, you have to make sure they come used disposable or sterile products and above all new generation pigments that comply with the most recent regulations in force. The new generation pigments REACH 2023 they are purer and free of substances considered potentially harmful. Furthermore, ensure a stable resultwithout colors that turn towards unwanted shades (blue, grey, green or red)» advises the expert.

How to fix a bad eyebrow tattoo

«More and more often – continues Arba Kamberi – our specialized customer clinic is visited by customers who have made a wrong choice and now find themselves facing an unsatisfactory job or one that has even ruined their skin».

«Where possible, with specialized techniques, we manage to correct the situation. Other times, however, the only way to solve the problem is the removal of previous work through one or more laser sessions. Only after this step will it be possible to create a permanent makeup that will finally be able to satisfy the customer and, above all, respect his skin» concludes the expert.

