‘How much trouble does Smartest Person get?’

The daily RTL 4 dating show B&B Vol Liefde is very popular this summer. Yesterday the score was 999 thousand viewers. “How much trouble will De Slimste Mens get from this?”


RTL 4 has gold in prime time this summer. The station broadcasts the dating show B&B Vol Liefde five nights a week at half past eight and it is a hit. A new season record was set yesterday with 999 thousand viewers (25 percent market share): a great achievement.

B&B vs Smartest

Normally De Slimste Mens is the summer television hit with about 2 million viewers a day, but what will be the impact of B&B Vol Liefde this year? The knowledge quiz with Philip Freriks will return to the tube in a week and a half and the big question is what will happen to the viewing figures.

Viewing figure connoisseur Tina Nijkamp wonders. “It’s going to be exciting. The Smartest will obviously win in the totals, but will the figures be as high as last year? It seems to me that it is a matter of days that B&B Vol Liefde will also rise above the million linearly,” she says to her analysis channel.

Certainly above a million

Actually, yesterday’s B&B Vol Liefde should have scored above one million, says Tina. She points to the KPN outage last night. “Otherwise it would certainly have exceeded the million mark.”

B&B Vol Liefde has one problem compared to De Slimste Mens: the dating show is much less urgent. People can easily watch it later, while with De Slimste Mens it is best to watch on the broadcast evening itself to prevent you from seeing the winners and losers in the media.

Hélène beats Renze

On to the talk shows: De Avondetappe takes the lead again with 1.3 million viewers (28 percent) on NPO 1. Hélène Hendriks wins with De Oranjezomer (706 thousand) against Renze (671 thousand).

On the late evening of NPO 1, Op1 replacement Silent Witness does not bad with 517 thousand viewers (19 percent).

Viewing figures

The viewing figures of Wednesday, July 19, 2023 (SKO):

Top 15

Market shares (18-24h, 6+)

01. Journal 20:00 (NPO1) 1,735,00001. NPO1 / 27.8%
02. Journal 18:00 (NPO1) 1,294,00002. RTL4 / 20.6%
03. The Evening Stage (NPO1) 1,278,00003. SBS6 / 11.7%
04. EenVandaag (NPO1) 1,098,00004. NPO2 / 8.5%
05. Studio Sports Summer (NPO1) 1,084,00005. RTL5 / 4.8%
06. Feeling of the Four Days Marches (NPO1) 1,039,00006. NPO3 / 3.6%
07. B&B Full of Love (RTL4) 999,00007. RTL7 / 2.7%
08. Half past seven news (RTL4) 990,00008. Vero / 2.4%
09. I Know All About It (RTL4) 927,00009.NET5 / 2.3%
10. Tour de France (NPO1) 826,00010. RTL8 / 1.8%
11. The Orange Summer (SBS6) 706,00011. Paramount / 1.0%
12. Heart of the Netherlands (SBS6) 696,00012. FOX / 1.0%
13. Renze (RTL4) 671,00013. RTLZ / 1.0%
14. RTL Boulevard (RTL4) 623,00014.TLC / 0.9%
15. Nieuwsuur (NPO2) 606,00015. Comedy / 0.8%

Market shares per channel group (18-24h, 6+)

More viewing figures at:

01. Public Broadcasting 39.9%
02. RTL Netherlands 31.1%
03. Talpa TV 16.9%

Programs that did not make the top 15 include Editie NL (553 thousand), Silent Witness (517 thousand), Shownieuws (507 thousand), Steenrijk Straatarm (434 thousand) and 112 Today (363 thousand).
