How much does the use of home appliances cost per year? IL found out

We calculated how the use of electrical devices appears in the electricity bill.

We found out what it costs to use common home appliances on a yearly basis. Adobe Stock / AOP

Home appliances and small appliances consume electricity, and you can’t get rid of everything. Based on the average consumption of the most common devices in the home, we calculated how much the costs will be annually at current electricity prices.

The average price of electricity has been 0.34 euros per kilowatt-hour, which was in line with one of the cheapest fixed-price electricity contracts at the time of writing. The price of exchange electricity has not been taken into account in the story due to its great variability.

The electricity consumption of the devices mentioned in the article has been extracted Fortum’s and Turku Energy from the pages. Electricity consumption varies a lot depending on the model and age of the device, so the average of the given electricity consumption factor has been used in the examples.

If only the devices mentioned in the table are counted, in that example, it would mean about 1000 euros as an annual cost at a kWh price of 0.34 euros, when charging the electric car is not included. Of course, the costs vary depending on which devices are used and how much they are used.

In addition, other things in the home that require electricity must also be included in the total costs, such as, for example, heating in many cases.
