How many numbers do you see in the picture? Your first answer is unlikely to be correct

The sawtooth pattern of the circle makes the task surprisingly challenging.

There is an image circulating on social media that has been frustrating the internet community for quite some time now. There seem to be several different solutions for the illusion containing numbers – always depending on the viewer.

The numbers in the middle of the circle are easy to spot, and some are sure that there is a five-digit number in the illusion. Or is there anyway?

What numbers do you see? If the image does not appear, you can also view it from here.

Right answer

Almost everyone can immediately find the number two in the picture. Chapters five and eight come up next. In fact, the illusion hides up to seven numbers: 3452839. However, you have to look carefully for the last ones, and for some the last numbers are completely hidden.
