How long will the Remmo clan remain in the Buckower villa?

By Anne Losensky and Michael Behrendt

commit crimes. capture millions. buy real estate. Rent the villa to the mother, the job center pays: This is how the Remmo clan resides in Alt-Buckow. But how long?

The clan’s real estate has been confiscated, and Berlin is now listed in the villa’s land register. The Neukölln district office found enough reasons for the immediate expulsion of the clan.

And suddenly it supposedly wants a legal settlement with the extended family? The confusion is complete!

The clan should be allowed to stay – with future “good behavior”, it was initially said on the sidelines of the process before the Neukölln district court.

This is the Remmo clan: Arabic, different spellings, up to 1000 people, many serious criminals (gold coin theft at the Bode Museum, diamond theft at the Green Vault Dresden).

This is the family residence: large villa (estimated 400 square meters of living space, up to 12 people reported), small rent (1700 euros), annexe and garden lush. Listed monument. 2018 confiscated with the 76 other clan properties. Reason: bought with illegal money.

Clan boss Issa Remmo (55) in Schöneberg in early May Photo: Timo Beurich

Neukölln gave notice to the clan (inconsistent data in the rental agreement, “insurmountable breach of the relationship of trust”). The clan denied wrongdoing – and stayed.

Witness Adam R. (68) in court: “I drew up the rental agreement and post-contract, basically it fits on the back of a beer mat. There were no bank details. At the police station, I remembered wrongly, had a stroke. I only wrote out receipts, the money for the rent was taken back by the family.”

Later, cryptically: “If the country says it no longer wants the tenant because his name is Remmo, then the family doesn’t see it dispassionately…”

In the district court of Neukölln, the process of dismissing Remmo without notice continued on Tuesday (Az. 10 C 485/21)

In the district court of Neukölln, the process of dismissing Remmo without notice continued on Tuesday (Az. 10 C 485/21) Photo: Timo Beurich

Discussions behind closed doors. Then a bang: “The attorneys-in-fact explain that an attempt is being made to reach an agreement out of court.”

You have until July 12, 2022, otherwise the process will continue. The initiative for this came from the district office. With “good behavior” the clan should be allowed to stay, it is said behind closed doors.

Shortly thereafter, a spokesman for the Neukölln district office contradicted BZ’s request: “Absolute denial! There is no comparison with the Remmo family!”

As BZ learned from security circles, the witness could have been pressured to testify in favor of the clan …
