How het nog zijn met de ruim 100 schuilkelders the Antwerp in the Koude Oorlog bouwde?

He wrote that in, toen 75 jaar gegeden de Koude Oorlog uitbrak. In the Antwerpse haven, 99 atomic schools will be built in ijltempo. But what is the vandaag van de schuiloorden over? Nu het spook van de Koude Oorlog weer door Europa wart, trokken wij op onderzoek.

Jonathan BernaertsMarch 18, 202216:00

Is there an atomic number on the west? Think about it, we had the answer. Maar sinds Russia Buurland Oekraïne is inland gevallen, zijn we daar plots not sea zo Zeker van. En al helemaal niet meer nadat Russian President Vladimir Poetin onlangs bestliste om z’n nuclear rockets op scherp te zetten. En zo hangs in Europe weer nuclear trip in de air. For the first time it’s decennia.

The parallel with the Koude Oorlog is then also quickly dried. Kort na het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog existed eveneens de vrees – de dreiging was toen acuter – voor een atoomaanval op een westers land. Also in ons land nam het onveiligheidsgevoel fors toe en zochten steeds sea mensen manners om zich te beschermen tegen een mogelijke inslag. In Antwerp, these brochures will be provided with concrete instructions for the building of a gezinschuilplaats. Maar also de overheid ondernam actie en went zélf over tot het bouwen van atoomschuilkelders.

Vrijwel meteen were sent in the direction of Antwerpse haven, according to the 85-year-old Albert Himler, author of the books ‘School bunkers in the Antwerpse haven’ (1987) en ‘De 99 school bunkers from 1954-1955 in the Antwerpse haven’ (1989). Himler counts as an absolute expert on the subject. He first worked as an artillery officer in machine design, from there until 1996 aan de slag te gaan as a bedrijfsleider at the technical service of the Havenbedrijf van Antwerpen.

Groot strategically important

“Omdat de vrees voor een nucleaire aanval er aan het begin van de Koude Oorlog stevig inzat, gaf het Belgische ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken aan belangrijke steden zoals Antwerpen, maar ook Gent en Oostende, de opdracht om atoomschuilkelders te bouwen”, says Himler. “In Antwerp lay de focus op de haven. Never onlogical: in oorlogstijden our own haven from groot is strategically important. Via the pick can bijvoorbeeld hulp van geallerden toekomen. If you do not show that the operations you have taken place in the future, you will be directed to the 99th school year for your personnel. Het was uiteindelijk Ludovicus De Kesel, toenmal Hoofdingenieur en directeur van de Technische Dienst van het Havenbedrijf, the de plans developed.”

Also aan de Rijnkaai, along the Scheldekaaien vind je nog een – helaas ondergelopen – atoomkelder terug. This example, which is assigned, offers space for 62 people.Beeld Tessa Kraan

De bouw van de bomvrije kelders, the plaats most biden aan in total 4,000 people, started around 1954-1955. In concrete terms, three types are opted for: school children for zes, 62 and 126 people. The smallest examples – he was born in Antwerp uiteindelijk 45 van – will be built near Sluizen, Bruggen and elektriciteitsvoorzieningsposten. You should therefore worry about the personnel in the schools and that the old one should be safe. Van de bunkers for 62 people will be realized in a total of 48 copies. On the sea along the Scheldekaaien disappearing bunkers of that type are built, so that dokwerkers er konden schools. The largest school building – it went from a circular bunker to 126 canteens – was located on the Antwerpse droogdokken, by the truck manufacturer.

The nuclear school children were then connected to the electricity network. Van grote luxe inside what at least speak. Himler: “In the smallest kelderruimtes (ze were amper twee square meter groot, red.) hung twee bankjes tegen de muur, that all that. In the larger bunkers we had a toilet, not as a separate room, but urgent medical concerns had to be addressed.”

Extra protection against fire bombs

The above ground school children in the haven were treated and washed with concrete and had the lood ware metal in deuren. All of the bunkers were covered on the upper vlakte with casseroles, an extra protection against fire bombs. Robust school orders, dus. Maar zou wie erin kroop also een nuclearaire – laat staan ​​een biological or chemical – aanval overleven?

“Absolutely not,” Himler says in digits. “The construction of the air in the bunkers was never done by filters. It also existed in the ventilation system that de internal air was in overpressure, so that there was internal air in the internal cone. Dus no, the bunkers were not there. En de overheid wíst dat. Wellicht wilden ze met de bouw van de Kelders inwerken op de psychology van de people. Het was a middeltje om de bange burgers te sussen.”

Vandaag is a groot deel van de atoomschuilkelders looped in de Antwerpse haven. Recently there were no more works on the Scheldekaaien. De kelders he wel nog staan ​​– aan de Rijnkaai of de Mexicobrug bijvoorbeeld – zijn zwaarloosd en staan ​​vol water. Van de zes largest school children in de building van de droogdokken zou selchts éen bewaard zijn gebleven. Maar that is not applicable from aan de Straatkant.

Albert Himler first worked as an artillery officer in machine design, from there until 1996 aan de slag te gaan as a bedrijfsleider at the technical service of the Havenbedrijf van Antwerpen.  Beeld BJS

Albert Himler first worked as an artillery officer in machine design, from there until 1996 aan de slag te gaan as a bedrijfsleider at the technical service of the Havenbedrijf van Antwerpen.Beeld BJS

Open toilet for wild plassers

“Momenteel ist geen little school year nog toegankelijk voor het publiek”, says Himler. “Na de Koude Oorlog zijn many bunkers afgebroken. Other zijn dichtgemetseld of verzegeld. Omdat de nucleaire three things went away, hadden de bouwwerken hun functie lost. There are separate avenues that still serve as openbaar toilets for wild plassers. Men was ze daarom liever kwijt dan rijk. In the years that followed the city he nog eens eentje opengesteld voor publiek, inside ik me. On the Scheldekaaien. That was in the kader van een cultuurproject: artists expose that he works.”

Eveneens verdwenen zijn de schulkelders for the burgerbevolking in the inner city. Veel he is not over known. Maar Tussen 1955 and 1956 zou een twaalftal ondergrondse bunkers built zijn, onder sea onder de Groenplaats and de Grote Markt. He is also a spokesman for a country on the Veemarkt. De schulkelders – het went om twee types – floor plaats aan respectievelijk 70 of 130 people. The school plaats and the Groenplaats verdween na de aanleg van de premetro in de jaren ’70. Also the bunker on the Grote Markt is a spoor sea.

Atoomschuilkelders are also built in een aantal Antwerpse in court. Zo can be bijvoorbeeld in het oude provinciehuis aan de Koningin Elisabethlei school. On the former district shuis – de huidige academie – on the Frans Van Hombeeckplein in Berchem there are even a number of places. The deed de voorbije jaren still served as a repetitieruimte.

Antwerp artificial shadows

Had the Belgian state and the city of Antwerpen alleen maar oog voor het havenpersoneel en – in mindere mate – the burgers? Never helem was war. Men were also concerned about the lot of art shades in Antwerp. In the years that followed in the building of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp (KMSKA) a gigantic atomic block of four meters wide and twenty meters long was installed. In Geval van Dreiging kon men de works of art via a gleuf near de camp kazemat laten zakken. Vandaaruit Konden ze been thrown into the bunker. Deur was eight meters high, sodat also the biggest signs – think of colossal works by great artists such as Peter Paul Rubens – he doorheen can. Langs de achterkant Zaten er Zware metalen sasdeuren Op.

Deur van de Kluis KSMKA was eight meters high, sodat also the largest signs – think of colossal works by great artists such as Peter Paul Rubens – he doorheen kunnen.  Beeld Karin Borghouts/KMSKA

Deur van de Kluis KSMKA was eight meters high, sodat also the largest signs – think of colossal works by great artists such as Peter Paul Rubens – he doorheen kunnen.Beeld Karin Borghouts/KMSKA

Later that year the bunker in the KMSKA was slooped into the verbouwings works. One huzarenstukje, want to win the pneumatic hamer most 1,350 tons of concrete and 81 tons of steel. The former atomic cell does not vanaf dit najaar – dan heropent het museum – serves as a large depot.

Also in het Antwerpse stadhuis, where there are already large restoration works in the squares, will be installed on the Tweede Wereldoorlog and atoomkluis. The result is the cabinet of Burgemeester Bart De Wever (N-VA) that serves as the moment even better. “He is also okay with ventilation. The rule is that you do not need to do it for the purpose of the people.”

Later that year the bunker in the KMSKA was slooped into the verbouwings works.  One huzarenstukje, want to win the pneumatic hamer most 1,350 tons of concrete and 81 tons of steel.  Beeld Karin Borghouts/KMSKA

Later that year the bunker in the KMSKA was slooped into the verbouwings works. One huzarenstukje, want to win the pneumatic hamer most 1,350 tons of concrete and 81 tons of steel.Beeld Karin Borghouts/KMSKA

A nuclear school along a throwing zone on the Scheldekaaien.  Beeld Tessa Kraan

A nuclear school along a throwing zone on the Scheldekaaien.Beeld Tessa Kraan

Antwerp Atomic School Kelders.  Rijnkaai and Mexicobrug.  Beeld Tessa Kraan

Antwerp Atomic School Kelders. Rijnkaai and Mexicobrug.Beeld Tessa Kraan

The school building on the Mexicobrug offers places for people.  The upper vlakte cells with casserole covered, an extra protection against fire bombs.  Beeld Tessa Kraan

The school building on the Mexicobrug offers places for people. The upper vlakte cells with casserole covered, an extra protection against fire bombs.Beeld Tessa Kraan

The school building on the Mexicobrug offers places for people.  The upper vlakte cells with casserole covered, an extra protection against fire bombs.  Beeld Tessa Kraan

The school building on the Mexicobrug offers places for people. The upper vlakte cells with casserole covered, an extra protection against fire bombs.Beeld Tessa Kraan
