How do you prevent hatred of Jews from becoming naturalized?

By Gunnar Schupelius

The FDP wants to prevent anti-Semites from receiving German citizenship. In doing so, she points to the fundamental problem that with immigration from the Middle East comes hatred of Israel and the Jews, says Gunnar Schupelius.

The federal government is negotiating a rapid naturalization of foreigners, which should in future be possible after five years instead of the previous eight years.

The FDP wants to ensure that nobody is naturalized who shows a hateful or even violent attitude towards Jews.

Secretary-General Bijan Djir-Sarai is calling for the naturalization test to be extended in order to separate the wheat from the chaff: “You shouldn’t naturalize anyone who has anti-Semitic sentiments,” he said.

Of course, the FDP Secretary General is right. But how could one check the applicants for German citizenship? With a questionnaire or a personal interview?

This is going to be difficult. But at least the FDP points out the fundamental problem, namely that with immigration from the Middle East, anti-Semitism is also immigrating.

Hostility towards Israel and the Jews is natural and widespread in countries of origin such as Syria or Iraq. Many of the migrants do not lose this attitude when they live in Germany.

Hostility is regularly acted out in Berlin, especially on the streets of Neukölln. The most recent sad highlight was the violent demonstrations by Arabs in April 2022 in several German cities and in Berlin at Hermannplatz.

The protesters not only shouted “Death to Israel” but also “Jews, remember Khaybar”. This refers to a campaign by Mohamed against Jewish settlers in the year 628. One of my colleagues was insulted as a “dirty Jew” and “shitty Jew”.

These marches are by far not only aimed at criticizing the government in Jerusalem, as is often claimed. They are characterized by an unbelievable hatred and a real will to annihilate.

And it’s not just these demonstrations, it’s the hostility everywhere, in schools, in sports clubs. On November 13, 2022, CFC Hertha 06 (A youth) played against Makkabi Berlin. Then a member of Hertha 06 shouted in the direction of the Jewish players: “I’ll burn you and your dirty flag, you bastards, just like the Germans did to you.”

Everyone knows it’s not something people like to talk about. The political reactions are monosyllabic, the formulations worn out. “There is no place for anti-Semitism in our society,” said Interior Minister Nancy Faser (SPD) after the riots in April 2022.

Countermeasures remain feeble or fail. In autumn 2018, the Senate announced that anti-Semitic incidents in schools would have to be reported. To this day, they don’t exist.

As I said, for a long time now it has not just been about hating Israel, but about hating everything Jewish. Anyone who speaks to Jews in this city senses increasing unease or even great fear.

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Read all of Gunnar Schupelius’ columns here
