How do you know when the transition is over?

The transition usually takes place between the ages of 45 and 55 and it is a process that takes several years. The process has 3 stages: premenopause, menopause and postmenopause.

The three phases of the transition

Women often recognize the first signs: menstruation becomes irregular and you can get hot flashes. This is the time called premenopause. As soon as your period is completely absent, you are in menopause and the period after your last period is called postmenopause.

Transition process of about five years

The transition process of these three phases takes an average of five years. The postmenopause (from the moment you stop having your period at all) lasts about two to five years and after that you see the balance return. Your hormone balance is disrupted (your ovaries no longer make hormones) and needs to be restored. Your body makes the transition from fertility to infertility.

Hormone household restored

At the end of the postmenopause, you can notice several things that your hormone household has been restored. This keeps your mood stable for several weeks in a row and you get more energy, focus and zest for life. The night sweats will subside as will your hot flashes. Your body is no longer all about fertility, but you can now discover yourself … and that is a liberating feeling for many women.

Source: avogelYmea

July 5, 2022
