How do you get rid of belly fat?

Having fat on your body is very normal and to some extent even healthy. Fat is an important reserve fuel, it is necessary to absorb specific vitamins, it protects our organs and keeps us warm. It is true that too much fat increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and many other physical ailments. In addition, most people do not like excess belly fat and would like to get rid of it.

Can I only lose belly fat?

Many people still think it is possible to lose fat locally, but research has proven otherwise. If you have come here for special abs exercises or a magic pill that will make your belly fat disappear we have to disappoint you.

It is true that everyone has a different fat distribution. Some people store more fat around their stomachs, some around their legs and some people even on their backs. You can’t do anything about where the fat will come first and leave first, this is genetically determined.

What can I do then?

Now the question is: how do I get rid of my belly fat?

To burn fat, your body must be in a negative energy balance. This simply means that you have to burn more calories in a day than you take in. It is difficult to say exactly how many calories you need, because there are a lot of factors that influence this. However, there are various calculators and formulas on the internet that can make an estimate for you.

It is best to keep track of your calories at least for a while, so that you have an idea of ​​how many calories you are consuming in a day. What you eat, drink and what kind of oil you use in the pan must be taken into account. If you want to do it as accurately as possible, you have to weigh all your food. This way you can reduce your calories in small steps.

Most people don’t feel like and/or don’t have the time to exactly track their calories every day, so to keep it simple, keep the following in mind. If you have weighed the same for a while now, you will on average take in the number of calories that you need to stay at this weight and if you notice that you are gaining weight, you will on average take in more calories than you need.

What can I do to get into a negative energy balance?

We have made a list for you with practical tips that will help you get into a negative energy balance and therefore also help you lose belly fat.

Eat more vegetables

Vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber. That is why vegetables are very filling and vegetables also contain essential vitamins and minerals.

Eat enough protein

Proteins satiate you quickly and they satiate you for a longer time than carbohydrates, for example, because your body needs more time to digest the proteins. Protein also helps to keep your blood sugar stable, which is very important when you want to lose weight.

Eat more fiber

Fiber also makes you feel very full. This is because fiber absorbs water, which takes up extra space in the stomach and intestines.

Eat enough healthy fats

Many people who are trying to lose weight will avoid fat because fat has more calories per gram. Often people also think that fat is more easily converted into fat, but you don’t have to worry about this. Healthy fats are essential for a lot of processes in your body and these fats will only help you lose weight.

move more

More exercise will make the waste process a lot easier. Try a new sport or start over with a sport you used to enjoy. Taking a walk more often and setting a goal with the number of steps you want to take per day can also help with weight loss.

Don’t drink calories

Calories you drink will fill you less than calories you eat. Therefore, it is better not to drink any calories at all when trying to lose weight. Alcoholic drinks also often contain a lot of calories. If you do want to drink something that contains calories, read carefully about how many calories each drink contains and try to consciously choose options with not many calories.

drink coffee

Caffeine stimulates fat burning, because you get more energy and you move more. Caffeine also reduces the feeling of hunger.

Do strength training regularly

This burns calories, but your body also needs more calories when you have more muscle mass.

Avoid fast sugars

Fast sugars affect your blood sugar level. A stable blood sugar level is very important when trying to lose weight. You will also quickly get hungry again after eating fast sugars.

sleep enough

Not only do you need the energy during the day to burn more calories, but research also shows that too little sleep causes a slower metabolism and leads to more food.

Try to reduce stress

Stress produces the stress hormone cortisol and this hormone can cause weight gain.

Set clear goals for yourself

Often when people change all their habits at once, they cannot sustain this. It is better to change your diet and habits step by step. This way it will be a lot easier to stick to. Set small goals for yourself every month and keep challenging yourself.

Seek help from a professional

Have you been trying to lose weight for a while and it just doesn’t work? Then it may be wise to enlist the help of a professional.


So how do you get rid of belly fat the fastest? In short, good eating and living habits are essential to achieve a healthy weight. It is also important to maintain these habits to maintain this weight.
