How do you gain weight quickly?

If you are underweight, it is important to gain weight for your own health. It may also be that you want to gain weight for a sport with a specific goal. In this article we will cover how to gain weight quickly and how to do this in a healthy way.

Arrive quickly in a short time

First of all, we will give some general tips to help you gain weight. These tips are mapped out below.

  • Do you have trouble eating full meals? Then spread the meals into several small meals throughout the day.
  • Make sure you get enough exercise and avoid sitting still a lot. Strength training in particular can help you gain weight.
  • Use some extra oil in the pan when making a dish (these are all extra calories).
  • Try smoothies and shakes. Don’t fill up on diet soda, coffee and other drinks with few calories and little nutritional value. Instead, drink smoothies or healthy shakes made with milk and fresh or frozen fruit and sprinkle with some ground flaxseed.
  • Pay attention when you drink. Some people find that drinking before a meal reduces their appetite. In that case, it may be better to drink high-calorie drinks with a meal or snack. For others, drinking 30 minutes after a meal, not next to it, may work.
  • Make sure you eat healthy. This is important for your digestion and general health. It is also easier to exercise more when you feel good.
  • Eat enough protein. This is important if you want to gain muscle mass.

Difference between gaining weight quickly in women and gaining weight quickly in men

Men and women are built differently from a biological point of view. This also has an impact on gaining weight. Men generally have more muscle mass than women. As a result, men have to eat more calories than women. Because men have more testosterone, it is also easier for men to gain muscle mass.

Is gaining weight quickly healthy?

It is very tempting to gain a lot of weight in a short time, but it is a lot healthier to eat more in small steps and not gain weight too quickly. We recommend that you gain an average of half a kilo per week. This way you will also gain more muscle mass than fat. If you want to gain weight by only eating unhealthy food, you will gain little muscle mass and not get the right nutritional value.

Food that makes you gain weight quickly

Below we have made a list of healthy things you can eat that are high in calories so that you can quickly gain healthy weight.

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Oily fish (think salmon, mackerel and eel)
  • Oil (think olive oil)
  • Avocado
  • Dried fruit
  • Protein shakes, vegetable shakes and smoothies

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