How do we want to recover Barça?

07/11/2023 at 06:30


This remains a key question. It is essential to get the answer right. The context and the times that the club needs to build its recovery. And the public discourse that must be drawn. For example, by boat soon, what is the use of saying that the next step is to conquer Europe? That confuses people, it can generate frustration and, at a time when Barça needs peace of mind to build, it puts unnecessary pressure. Recognizing what everyone knows, that the team is far from its rivals in the Champions League, is not incompatible with competing to win and being ambitious. But to maintain, in the middle of the exit ramp, that Barça is a favorite as it was years ago, is a short-lived bluff.

What do we want to be and how do we want to do it? Joan Laporta, since his second accession to the throne, has defended a triumphant look, in keeping with his enthusiasm, pride and charisma. “We are Barça & rdquor ;, he is used to letting go. OK it’s good. But… what Barça are we? It has nothing to do with the Barça that was. Not now. Xavi Hernández, who has won two titles in record time and has accompanied the president on this crusade, changed the third a few days ago. “We will not be favorites in Europe. To say it is to deceive & rdquor ;. Deep down, we all know that Xavi, despite not seeming so at times, shares another cadence: Barça is asked to play well and grow. That first thing. Winning was always a consequence.

The speech of immediacy works little. At the club, more rush, more spending and less determination with the quarry. Outside, more pressure, less patience and a spring of opportunism. They want to win but criticize the investment by Roque. The Brazilian seems expensive to them but they do not understand that Madrid steals Güler from them. They ask for a quarry, but is there patience? This wound will only heal with time. And very calm. Anxiety is only the prelude to the drama.
