how do they approach feelings?- iO Donna

ghe Zoomers, as teenagers are now called, have often been described as shallow and cynical in love. More refractory to serious love and easier to polyamory, “heteroflexible” as many of them define themselves, and not particularly interested in sex. It is no coincidence that the invitation that stood out on the front pages of the New York Times “Go back to having sex!” is from the beginning of spring. But is it really so? Did Gen Z really put feelings aside? Not exactly, at least looking at the data that emerged from a survey conducted by Tinder.

Love and adolescents, a new vision of feeling

«The new generations have literally revolutionized the way of experiencing dating both live and on dating apps. For them it is mental well-being is fundamental, values ​​such as honesty, personal openness and in the other person and serenity are essential elements for the youngest. In this sense, therefore, the “serious” relationship is no longer the main goalfor this reason new forms and new ways of being together such as polyamory or situationship have arisen »explain the Tinder experts.

From the annual most popular dating app report, The Future of Dating 2023, a very clear picture has emerged of how the new generations see love and the relationship with others. First of all, Tinder and all apps like that are just for meeting new people and making new friends, without necessarily having a sentimental involvement. A perhaps more relaxed approach which, however, does not allow exceptions on a fundamental aspect: showing oneself as one really is.

Millennials and Gen Z, an opposite approach to love

And the great difference between the new generations and those of the past, for example with the Millennials, already lies here: «For example, 73% of Millennials agree that the “conquest strategies”such as making oneself desired or giving unclear signals, they are normal. Conversely, young people on Tinder are all about being themselves. For this, for example, the teenagers show their personality without filters and masks, even embracing awkward situations if it means being truly yourself. Teenagers have gone beyond pre-set behaviors and labels: Generation Z prefer a more serene approach, free from pressure, which paves the way for a new world of diverse and meaningful relationships» the experts specify.

Teenage children, tips to learn how to manage conflict and mistakes not to be made

So in this sense no games or “tight and loose” that the Millennials are used to. When the new generations have an appointment they are serious: «This is a very strong concept for them, to which they attach great importance and which places them in the perspective of a hypothetical relationship. Not surprisingly, 40% of subscribers to the platform to the question “What am I looking for on Tinder” answered that they signed up because they wanted a serious relationship».

Looking for serenity in a relationship

Isn’t it true then that they are a cynical generation? « Far from it. It is a generation that has reevaluated its well-being and also its time. For them relationships should be based on complete honesty and above all be pleasant and not cause stress. It is not a case that many love stories begin with a friendshipjust to get to know each other better, without the performance anxiety so far typical of love».

This is why the new generations are also open to new forms of love as long as they are in the light of the sun and don’t make anyone uncomfortable: in fact, among the data that emerged, it was highlighted that zoomers they are not ready to compromise in love.

In love, and not only that, technology is not enough

But technology alone is not enough. Despite the fact that Gen Z are very comfortable with apps and surroundings, technology isn’t all that critical. Indeed, from the data of the research conducted by Tinder it emerged that there is teenagers have a great need for real and spontaneous relationships and that new technologies are only a means of getting to know each other, then set aside: «It is a counter-trend that has emerged very clearly among the very young. The more technology takes hold, for example also with artificial intelligence, the more the new generations move away from it».

A sign that, as important as apps are for a first approach, the getting to know each other in reality and confrontation remain the most important aspects for Gen Z.

