How do I get my energy bill down? Energy coach and professor give tips here | DVHN Live

Where does the energy price go and what can we do ourselves to lower our energy bill? Watch DVHN Live here with professor Machiel Mulder and energy coach Klaas Hofman.

The price we have to pay for gas and electricity is breaking one record after another, our energy bill continues to rise. The war in Ukraine adds to this even more.

Where is this going? How can we pay our bills if this continues for a while, or if Russia is doing what it threatens to do: cutting off the gas supply to Europe?

Can we get rid of Russian gas, just like Lithuania managed to do this week? And what are the alternatives then? Or should we accelerate the transition to sustainable energy sources?

We talk about this in an extra broadcast of LC/DvhN Live with Machiel Mulder, professor of energy economics at the RUG, and Klaas Hofman, who as an energy coach gives practical tips to keep or get our energy bill as low as possible.
