“How do I dress for the wedding without being more beautiful than the bride herself?” † Columns & Opinion

“Dress codes are not really my thing anyway. All presentations I go to often have a ‘PS’ that makes me anxious. Gala, outfit de ville or casual I can still act, I can give it my own interpretation. But as soon as there is a touch of goldsilverred velvetsunny beachhappy hippie or stylish black/white I almost give up. Of course, as a fashion person I always do my best, but sometimes you just really want to come in your bright pink, just purchased tunic with matching glitter wedges and ditto bag and not in boring black and white.

Perfect picture

Anyway, a while ago I went with colleague Sabine to a presentation that you do not want to miss and so we both wrapped ourselves in the prescribed ‘blush‘look. It was a bit of googling but if you think of all the colors blush on the cheeks you come a long way: from soft pink to peach, old pink and everything in between, even beiges were allowed. And to be honest, it resulted in the perfect picture and surprising color combinations that I will definitely ‘look away’ from in the summer. Those shades are also perfect for a wedding party, so don’t hesitate to save that.


The same club also organizes the annual white dinner party where the nicest women in the Netherlands dress completely in white on a winter evening and discover the latest fashion and beauty. For me as a non-white fan quite a challenge and so every summer I am obliged to stroll between the white items and I score pretty nice things with here and there a hippie-colored embroidery, because that’s allowed. The hostess of the blush party was the absolute eye-catcher with her wonderfully styled look and nobody really stood out.

no white

And that’s how it should be at weddings. For example, out of respect for the bride, it is important not to resemble her. So no white and preferably no beiges or nude shades. But blush is possible again, because that differs. A bright color? That is also possible, but preferably no red because that attracts a lot of attention, green, yellow or peach and of course pastel shades are better. Uni shades mixed with each other also look modest, so you can still create your own style. Just like with a floral dress with a matching colored bag (a clutch please or a small handbag, no trunks please) and matching jewelry. Leave black behind because that is more something for funerals and official occasions. And last but not least: consult the bride beforehand about her intended outfit without having to know all the details. For example, does she opt for a stark white tuxedo suit? Then your favorite salmon pink men’s suit is not an option because it resembles her looks too much.


An unwritten rule is that you dress less exuberantly / conspicuously than the bride. But that kite doesn’t quite go up, because nobody wants to be a wallflower at a big party, so unpacking is allowed. Hats are not a good idea, because these are real eye-catchers, a beautiful hair corsage could be better. Go to the hairdresser anyway and don’t mess around yourself and stay away from the updo and decorated bridal chapels so as not to double up with your girlfriend.

Own looks

Stick to your own looks. Do you like to wear a tight dress? Fine. Prefer something wider or a romantic dress. Also fine. Guarding your own style is of great importance and then the chance is not so great to resemble someone else too much. Once I was invited to a party of a famous photographer in New York and model Doutzen Kroes introduced me to Kim Kardashian. We were a ‘deviant’ trio: Doutzen in jeans and a T-shirt, Kim K. in a caramel-coloured super-tight dress and I in a lace tunic with plenty of colorful embroidery and a matching fluorescent pink clutch. I’m more of the overdressed than underdressed. I received a compliment from my namesake for my outspoken looks and that’s about all. After all, all three of us stood in our own strength, with our own style and then the outfits didn’t ‘bite’ each other at all. So here’s the ultimate tip: don’t copy the bride on her wedding day, but stay true to your own style. And… taking a step back in the photo doesn’t hurt either when posing together. After all, she is the eye-catcher of this day!


Do you also have a pressing fashion question that you would love to know an answer to? For example, how you choose certain colours, where you can go with a size 42 shoe as a woman or which materials are super stretch… Send an email to [email protected] and maybe your question will be discussed in the next Kims Issue.
