How did Riona get on fire? Politie raises 16,000 dollars from a golden tip | Buitenland

How doet now zoiets? That said, it was said that there was a dangerous incident in America Nutbush (Tennessee). Somebody set a dog on fire.


7 jul 2022


June 20th is the day that the life of Riona changes in the hair. Op warning is te zien hoe de brandende hond wailing over the street loopt. Luckily, one does not have a very long time, and one can hide other residents of the vlammen doven.


Ze can zo Riona’s leven redden, maar de hond loopt serious verwondingen op. Op haar snuit en aan haar lefterkant heeft ze vierdegraads brandwonden, en op other delen van haar lijf eerste- en tweedegraads verwondingen. Ze produces real good, and dierenartsen zijn hoopvol dat ze weer helemaal de oude wordt.

Golden tip

Like Riona a lot, it’s really not duidelijk. Most of the time, thanks can be given to the politicians now for a sum of 16,000 dollars (15,727 euros) provided for the information that is suffered from the arrest of the dierenbeul. “Someone deed dit opzettelijk, en zo someone likes not zomaar vrij rondlopen,” says art assistant Mallory McLemore of Bluff City Veterinary Specialists. “Het is superbly long for ons, and I also have hair for that, that someone responsible needs to ask for what he is allowed to do.”

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