How did “Peronismo para todos” fare in its debut?

“This program tries to have humor on Sunday, to awaken the illusion, the hope, of past and beautiful times, to revitalize and remove a little that Peronist DNA”, with those words Daddy Brieva explained what it’s about “Peronism for all”the program that debuted in C5N successfully: came to peak 2.7 points.

The shipment that mixes a bit of current affairs with humor and a lot of hard kirchnerism, is a counterversion of the “Journalism for everyone” of Jorge Lanatathe program that he knew how to conduct in The thirteen. In fact, at first, it had transpired that the Brieva program was going to be called the same.

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The new cycle led by the former Midachi even contains sections similar to that of the journalist, such as “Gorilla of the week”the “Peronist” version of “The asshole of the week”, where Lanata mocked the sayings and statements of Kirchner officials. In this first opportunity, Brieva chose as “the gorilla of the week” the fashion designer Roberto Piazzaafter he insulted the president Alberto Fernandez in the program Viviana Canosa in LN+.

“It is so easy to be a Peronist. You just have to laugh, you have to feel a little, and you have to remember our history a little. Those of us who are called Leguizamón, Cáceres, Acuña… those who are called Álzaga Unzue are not. Me too if my name was Peña Brown I would be anti-Peronistbecause we put our hand in the pocket of the boys ”, the driver monologueed in the first broadcast of his new bet.

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