How Dashlane supports the mental health of its teams

Mental health is a fundamental ingredient of our well-being. Unfortunately, this subject, when not completely ignored, is frequently underestimated. It should be noted, however, that this issue is gaining in importance in the public sphere, with statistics showing that a record number of people are subject to stress, anxiety or depression.

The last two years have not been easy for anyone, and it is clear that we have all had our share of worries to manage in this context. The constant uncertainty and the ability to adapt required of each of us have exerted great pressure on our psychological balance.

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Dashlane has always placed well-being at the heart of its concerns and the attention paid to its teams. However, we decided it was time to take it a step further: last July, we joined forces with Spring Health to offer free therapy and personal coaching sessions, as well as wellness exercises to all our employees and their families.

Here are some of the reasons why we prioritize wellness and why you should too:

Wellness creates a culture of transparency, diversity and inclusion

Throughout the year, Dashlane organizes many initiatives around diversity, such as those around Black History Month, pride marches, and International Women’s Day. . We make sure to take the time to reflect, listen and learn, so we do everything in our power to create an inclusive space where our team members can feel like themselves.

We also want to ensure that we create a culture where everyone feels supported and free to show their sensitivity. That’s why psychological well-being is something we’ve been talking about and taking seriously for a long time.

For the past two years, we’ve made the last Friday in May a mental health holiday at Dashlane. This day aims to give everyone time to disconnect, focus on their well-being and, we hope, motivate themselves to make it a permanent practice.

And because transparency and trust are part of our values, we have also made sure to create a space reserved for our teams wishing to share their experiences in complete serenity. In May 2021, on the occasion of Mental Health Awareness Month, we included in an internal magazine open letters written by employees discussing their psychological well-being. Even our CEO JD Sherman offered his own testimonial at our company meeting.

To create an inclusive environment, we absolutely must give every member of our community a voice. Indeed, in addition to helping to put an end to stigmatization and stereotypes, open exchanges allow individuals to feel valued and listened to.

The hybrid model and remote working are not going away anytime soon

Let’s face it: business dynamics have evolved and the days of working exclusively in the office are over. At Dashlane, working from home is not a particularly new practice. We were already operating in distributed mode across the world while working together as one entity. The difference today is that we allow our teams to choose the work environment that suits them.

However, teleworking and the hybrid model have their problems. Work and personal environments are increasingly connected and it is increasingly difficult for teams to spend time together unless agreed in advance. Our managers are certainly attentive to their teams; however, it is more complicated under current conditions to spot the warning signs of mental fatigue among our employees.

We must therefore be prepared to promote the emotional well-being of our staff members, and do everything possible to work for their mental health at all levels. After all, human capital being our main asset, supporting them is not only fair, but also an initiative that will pay off in the long run.

Be proactive rather than reactive

The experience and well-being of employees must be part of our priorities, and our partnership with Spring Health has enabled us to do just that.

Our goal was to ensure that those who wish to call for help find no obstacles in their way. We wanted them to know that a solution was available to them, and not worry about where to find support and how much it was going to cost them.

Over the past 6 months, we have been pleased to hear from Dashlaners telling us that they had never considered therapy before, but the availability of such services motivated them to take the plunge, and that it had been very useful to them. We took this initiative because we know that achieving a good mental balance is hard work. We all go through this kind of ordeal, and Dashlane is therefore proud to accompany its team members on this journey.
