How Dangerous Was the Tesla Accident Really?

It was human error: 15,000 liters of car paint ran out at the Tesla plant in Brandenburg last week. Now it is clear: A part got into the open. The authorities contradict each other when it comes to the danger and consequences of the chemical accident.

On Thursday, the State Environment Agency initially said: When filling a container in Tesla’s paint shop, a liquid leaked on Monday evening. Because a valve was not closed. And reassured: “No water-polluting liquid escaped into the open.”

But now photos show that some of the paint spilled onto the street in front of the factory gate. The company fire brigade soaked it up with binding agent.

Also read:

► Liquid leaked in Tesla paint shop – Authority: No danger

► The court sees no danger from higher groundwater extraction by Tesla

The explanation of the environmental agency: After vacuuming the paint in the factory, “two to three liters” leaked out on Tuesday when the hoses were removed. But the laugh is bigger.

“The paint has no hazardous substance classification,” claims the environmental agency now. The district water authority disagrees: “The viscous paint mixture is assigned to water hazard class 1.”

No one knows for sure: the liquid “is currently being analyzed for its composition.”

Irre: While the district authority “checks the initiation of a fine procedure”, the state office says: “The initiation of a fine procedure is not indicated.”

The day before the paint accident, drone images show a liquid in Tesla's paint shop access (Photo: ÖDP)
The day before the paint accident, drone images show a liquid in Tesla’s paint shop access (Photo: ÖDP)

The craziest thing: drone images show that liquid was running out of the factory gate the day before the accident. The district administration “has no knowledge of what it is about”.

  (Photo: )
